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New business etiquette rules for the modern age

Having good manners today is less about using the right fork, and more about showing consideration toward others. As we celebrate Administrative Professionals Week, here’s sound business etiquette advice for everyone who works. The key, as always: Common courtesy.

Never hand off work without a checklist


More than ever, work is collaborative. And where do things go wrong when it comes to collaborative work? At the handoff. It’s usually not because someone is incompetent or lazy; it’s due to poor communication. The bottom line: We all need checklists. Use or adapt this “handoff checklist” when delivering a project assignment, suggests the Harvard Business Review blog.

Staff become owners with open-book management


The 28 employees of Anthony Wilder Design/Build, a remodeling firm in Cabin John, Md., act like they own the place. They don’t. But owners Anthony and Liz Wilder have given them full access to the company’s financial records. Result: Employees have an intimate understanding of the ultra-­competitive remodeling industry.

NLRB ruling revisited: Can employees really trash you on Facebook?

Don’t read too much into the NLRB’s recent “Facebook rant” ruling. Despite much employer hand-wringing, the decision didn’t give employees a free pass on social media posts. They still don’t have license to defame, disparage or otherwise trash their company, management, product or co-workers. Here’s why.

Micromanaging: 5 signs you’re doing it; 4 ways to stop it

When it comes to assigning projects, do you spend most of your time telling employees how to do the work? Or do you give them clear goals and guidelines, then get out of the way? Micromanaging is an inefficient use of a manager’s time. It signals distrust of employees and inhibits them from taking initiative. Here are key signs of micromanaging and advice on how to reduce it.

Moving beyond carrot-and-stick motivation

Encouraging autonomy doesn’t mean discouraging accountability. Rather than hovering, managers and HR should presume people want to be accountable and then provide the “scaffolding” to help new employees find their footing.

Benchmark your web site’s recruiting page against the Top 25


What are the best practices for the “careers” page on your web site? One good strategy for small and mid-size employers is to take a peek at what their big brothers are doing. Here are those top 25 companies and links to their careers pages …

Update job descriptions regularly to include new duties & essential functions

Make sure you have job descriptions for all employees’ positions. Then keep those descriptions updated whenever the duties change.

Hug or a handshake: Which does your workplace embrace?

Like people, some workplaces welcome huggers. Others prefer a smartly extended right hand. “To hug or not to hug” is the question … and here’s the answer.

Improve Your E-Mail Efficiency

Billions of e-mail messages are sent each day, but one study estimates that the average employee wastes more than 40 minutes a day on worthless e-mail. That doesn’t even include the jokes your friends and family forward and the unnecessary messages your colleagues copy to everyone in the office. Here’s how you can trim the time you spend on e-mail.