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Compensation & Benefits

Be prepared to back up hours worked for exempt staff, too


You carefully track all hours worked by nonexempt employees. But do you know how many hours your exempt employees work? That can become a problem if you misclassify an employee as exempt when the person should have been hourly …

What’s your responsibility under the new Georgia immigration law?


The Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (GSICA), signed into law last April, imposes numerous responsibilities on employers. Although the law focuses primarily on public employers and contractors, some of the less publicized aspects of the law will affect private employers, too

Paying more for unskilled labor? You’re not alone


By now, you’ve adjusted your labor budget to accommodate New Jersey’s new minimum wage of $7.15 per hour, which took effect Oct. 1. Rest assured, you’re not alone …

You can be held personally liable for wage payment errors


If you’re a decision-maker in your organization and exercise that power to withhold wages from an employee, you could find yourself personally liable to that employee if you get it wrong …

Williamhouse settles pay-Bias lawsuit with three employees


Envelope-maker Williamhouse of Pennsylvania settled a lawsuit with three supervisors who claimed they were underpaid because they are black …

Docking employee’s pay for missing laptop


Q. An employee who recently quit hasn’t returned a company-owned laptop computer worth over $1,000. Can we withhold the value of the computer from the employee’s last paycheck?

How to talk to young employees about retirement planning


Your 20-something employees are more worried about repaying student loans and moving into their first homes than saving for retirement. So convincing them to contribute to a 401(k) is often a tough sell. The solution: Make your pitch relevant to their lifestyles …

Beware linking RIF with retirement incentives


It’s not uncommon during economic downturns for organizations to conduct a RIF and—if the expected savings don’t materialize—to follow up with a retirement-incentive plan. But be aware of one pitfall …

The new pension reform law: What it means to you


In August, President Bush signed the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which includes many benefits-related amendments to the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) …

‘Parent Shift’ Program Allows Nurses to Work Two-Hour Shifts


To help working parents manage their lives, the Cleveland Clinic allows nurses to work shifts of as little as two hours a day. Chief nursing officer Claire Young created the "Parent Shift" program because rigid shift schedules were preventing working mothers from returning to work after having children …