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Compensation & Benefits

New civil union law: How must employers respond?


Now that New Jersey has become the third state to allow civil union among same-sex couples, employers need to rethink some of their HR policies and practices, particularly with employee benefits …

Professor sues Georgia College for discrimination, retaliation


A former professor recently filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against Georgia College & State University, claiming he was denied tenure because of his age, gender and disability …

Sample Policy: Conflicts of Interest

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Employees on workers’ comp must look for work


Just because an injured employee may not be able to return to your organization doesn’t mean he or she will forever affect your workers’ comp rates or self-insured reserves. Employees who are only partially disabled due to an on-the-job injury are required to look for work within their medical restrictions while receiving comp payments …

Health advocacy firms: Stress reliever or added burden?


The scene plays out every day: Employees receive health care bills or “explanation of benefits” insurance statements in the mail, but they can’t decipher the complex forms. Eventually, they call you to help sort it out. Ever wish there was a better way? Enter a new breed of employee-benefits advocacy firms …

Health premiums still rise, but more slowly


Premiums are still increasing for HMOs and PPOs, but those increases are slowing down, says a new survey by health care consultant Milliman …

Fed guidance helps clarify HSAs


The Labor Department’s Employee Benefits Security Administration just published a new guide that helps employers navigate the evolving practices involved in offering health savings accounts (HSAs) …

Employees favoring PPOs and HMOs over consumer-Directed health plans


Consumer-directed health plans (CDHP) may be all the rage in the future, but they’re slow to catch on so far …

Offering health coverage only to select employees


Q. We currently provide health insurance for 20 employees who work full time (40 hours per week all year). We have some clerical staff who work less than 40 hours per week and aren’t eligible for insurance. We also have professional tax preparers who work many hours during tax season, but only 10 to 20 hours the rest of the year. Can we legally add just the tax preparers to our health insurance and not the clerical staff? —R.M., Pennsylvania

Can you require workers to join the health plan?


Q. Can we require employees to be on our health insurance plan? We’re a small business and to meet the requirements for group insurance, we require all employees that aren’t covered by a spouse’s policy to enroll. We pay 75 percent of the premium. —G.P., Oklahoma