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Compensation & Benefits

Florida Workers’ Compensation Law


The Florida workers’ compensation system protects employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The system works as a no-fault guarantee …

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Act


The Georgia workers’ compensation system protects employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The State Board of Workers’ Compensation administers the law, which the Georgia legislature modified in 2006 …

Georgia Age Discrimination Law


Georgia’s state code prohibits discrimination against workers ages 40 to 70 based on their age. Employers, supervisors or managers who violate the age-discrimination code are subject to misdemeanor criminal prosecution by the Secretary of State …

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act


The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act covers all employers in the state and provides wage replacement for employees hurt on the job. The law provides payments to employees regardless of fault. That is, to earn benefits, injured employees don’t have to prove that their employers were negligent; they need only prove that the injury occurred at work. Sounds simple, right? It’s not …

New Jersey Unemployment Compensation Law


New Jersey’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law is complex and in some cases holds employers liable for unemployment insurance (UI) payments even when former employees weren’t fired but quit their jobs …

New Jersey Temporary Disability Benefits Law


The New Jersey Temporary Disability Benefits Law provides cash benefits to employees who, because of a serious illness or injury, can’t perform their regular jobs and are under professional medical care. The program is compulsory for all employers covered by the state’s unemployment compensation law …

New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law


The New Jersey workers’ compensation system is designed to protect employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The system works as a no-fault guarantee …

New Jersey Wage Payment Law


The New Jersey Wage Payment Law seems like it should be rather simple, but it’s perhaps the most complicated employment law in the state. Full of traps for the unwary, the law can spell big trouble for even innocent mistakes, with fines of up to $1,000 per violation …

Local Ordinances in New Jersey


New Jersey local governments can (and sometimes do) legislate their own rules for employers within their jurisdictions. For example, several municipalities have living-wage laws stipulating higher pay than the state minimum wage ($7.15 per hour) …

New York Unemployment Compensation Law


New York’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law is complex and in some cases holds an employer liable for unemployment insurance (UI) payments even when a former employee wasn’t fired but quit …