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Arbitration covers claims for unpaid bonus and severance


The California Court of Appeal recently ruled that binding arbitration mandated by an arbitration agreement could determine a former employee’s wage claims for an unpaid profit-sharing bonus and severance pay …

Bankruptcy can lead to dismissal of discrimination suits


Today, companies commonly emerge stronger and more competitive after filing for bankruptcy. An additional, unintended benefit may have a substantial impact on the HR office …

Keeping your customers after your employees go to a competitor


Noncompete agreements protect employers should an employee leave and go to work for a competitor. But what happens if there isn’t a noncompetition agreement in place? Does an employer have any remedy against a former employee? …

Immortal words of Imus end state employee’s career


A 60-year-old administrator in the state treasurer’s office was urged into retirement after she called a fellow worker a “nappy-headed ho” one week after radio personality Don Imus made the phrase famous …

Resigning for newfound faith doesn’t justify unemployment compensation


New York employees who quit their jobs for good cause are generally eligible for unemployment compensation payments. But does a newfound faith requiring no Sunday work justify quitting? …

Ambiguous answers may prompt retaliation charge


It’s true: If you can’t say anything nice, sometimes it’s best not to say anything at all. It’s especially true if an employee has quit and filed a discrimination lawsuit …

Minor lifting restriction? You probably don’t have to accommodate under the ADA


The ADA is designed to help disabled Americans work to their full potential. But the law wasn’t meant to apply to everyone with minor aches, pains and ailments. That’s why most employees with light lifting restrictions aren’t covered by the law

Staph infection breeds claims in addition to bacteria


A former registered nurse for the Oakland County jail has sued the county after she contracted a drug-resistant, flesh-eating staphylococcus bacterial infection while working at the jail …

Third time’s the charm: KeyBank teller headed to court


A former bank teller is suing Cleveland-based KeyBank after she was robbed at gunpoint three times while working in the company’s Ellet branch. After the last robbery, she claims she was forced to quit due to severe emotional distress …

Quit or fired? That’s the question


Q. We had an employee who was not working out. We gave her the choice of resigning or being terminated. She chose to resign. We were happy because we understand that an employee who resigns is not entitled to unemployment compensation under Texas law? Are we right?—S.G.