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Go the distance to deliver final paycheck


Q. Over the last six months, we have made several attempts to mail a former employee her last paycheck by certified mail. We believe that we have the correct address because we mailed her other items by regular mail during this period and none have been returned. What legal obligations do we have, if any, to get this check to her? —R.Y., Washington, D.C.

Workers can moonlight during FMLA leave

Minutes after arguing with her supervisor, hospital psychiatric nurse Debbie Stekloff said she was too upset to work and walked off the job. Later that day …

Let employee bring co-worker to inquiry meeting

If one of your employees wants to bring a co-worker along to an investigative meeting that could result in discipline, you’d better let him. Union employees …

Be consistent: Don’t slap harasser on wrist, then fire victim

Michelle Johnson complained that her boss, a police chief, exposed himself, touched her inappropriately and verbally abused her. The employer launched an investigation. Johnson saw the chief as he was …

Don’t trip over wiretap laws

An African-American worker claimed he “accidentally” turned on a tape recorder in his duffel bag that just happened to catch two co-workers making racial …

Stop violence with strong policy, calm approach

Courts say your company has a responsibility to keep workers and customers safe from dangers that it can “reasonably anticipate.” With nearly 2 million assaults …

Set reasonable limits on noncompete agreements

Redd Pest Control tried to turn its financial fortunes around by setting a $7,500 per-month quota for each technician’s route. Wayne Foster and Isadore Smith …

Radical change to worker’s schedule lets him win unemployment benefits

Philip Mauro was hired for a carpenter/foreman job with the understanding that his work had to coincide with his daughter’s day care hours, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and that …

Two May Be a ‘Group’ Under OWBPA


Q. I know that the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) requires that I provide an employee who has been discharged as part of a “group” termination at least 45 days to consider the terms of a release waiving his or her rights under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). How many employees constitute a “group”? —N.W., Pennsylvania

Advocating for minorities can be grounds for bias claim

John B. Johnson doesn’t say he was discriminated against because he is an African-American but because he advocated for minorities in his role …