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Expect more ethical, financial scrutiny from job candidates

Expect to open your books and answer more questions about your financial practices. Reason: Sixty-nine percent of executive recruits say they’ll look more closely at the financial statements of potential employers, …

Your benefits liability may not end with company sale

While Denise Lessard was on disability leave, the company she worked for was sold. All employees were automatically employed by the acquiring firm as long as they were “actively employed” on …

Firing employees on FMLA leave: Occasionally legal, usually unwise

While he was taking leave for depression under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Jerry Ogborn got the ax. Reason: During the absence, his employer discovered that Ogborn, a union …

Job investigation won’t cause ‘mental distress.’

A New York bank investigated a worker over forged signatures on her expense reports. It eventually fired her and escorted her from the premises. She sued the bank, saying the …

Don’t fight reservist reinstatement: You’ll lose

Now is not the time for your company to appear unpatriotic, in the public’s eye or before a judge. As a recent ruling shows, courts are bending over backward to give …

Don’t be bullied to create permanent light-duty job

After injuring her shoulder, assembly-line worker Tamara Watson wasn’t able to do many tasks required for her job. To aid her recovery, the company temporarily limited her to lighter duties that …

Care for healthy child wins FMLA coverage

The walls of employee FMLA protection have grown higher with a new court ruling that says a worker must be given leave to look after his healthy children while his wife …

Less prestigious job leads to constructive discharge

After a top-performing African-American server at Denny’s was transferred to a different location, the restaurant unexpectedly reassigned her to busing tables. She walked off the job and sued, alleging that she …

Regulating off-duty conduct: How far can you go?

Say you find out that your sales manager is dating the marketing director of your biggest competitor. Or that your cashier has a bottle-of-scotch-a-day drinking habit after work. Can you fire …

Write Job Descriptions Before Trouble Starts


Q. How serious is it if written job descriptions aren’t in place for employees? Is it safe to draft them even after a termination that could result in a lawsuit? —B.B., New York