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Title VII: Employees who sue for bias have easier path to victory.

In a decision that elevates your legal risk in discrimination cases, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that employees no longer need to show direct evidence …

Mentioning employees’ body odor isn’t discriminatory.

A Muslim IT manager sued for national origin bias, claiming that his supervisor’s comments about his personal hygiene, not performance problems, were the true cause …

Managers can refuse bias-tainted orders, court says

Issue: Courts won’t consider a manager “insubordinate” for ignoring a boss’s order if the manager believes the order is discriminatory. Risk: Increases danger of retaliation …

Here’s more reason to reinforce anti-bias policy

If it’s been awhile since you’ve reminded employees about your anti-discrimination policy, now’s a good time. Why? A big U.S. Supreme Court ruling last month makes it easier for workers to …

Clarify how you count FMLA year, and put entire policy in handbook

When establishing or changing your Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy, don’t skimp on paper. Spread the policy far and wide. Rule of thumb: If you mention FMLA …

C-section caregiving can qualify for FMLA leave

Courts typically don’t consider pregnancy alone to be a “serious medical condition” qualifying for job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). But, …

Supreme Court: Fewer small firms covered by ADA, but check state law

It’s clear that companies with fewer than 15 employees aren’t required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But do company shareholders …

Forcing a resignation kills your legal defense

Here’s even more incentive to end harassment at the earliest opportunity: A new court ruling says employers could give up their best defense in court if they allow workers to suffer …

Nondisabled workers can claim ADA retaliation

Warning: As odd as it may sound, don’t believe you’re safe from an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit if the employee fails to prove a disability. Most people think …

Don’t let abusive staff use disability as excuse; you can fire for behavior

Don’t allow employees to use their disabilities as justification for poor behavior, especially if it clearly threatens your workplace. Even if an employee is …