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Alert Supervisors to Little-Known Association-Bias Law


By now, your supervisors know it’s illegal to discriminate against someone because of his or her disability. But do they also know about a less obvious part of the ADA that makes it illegal to discriminate against people because they have an association with a person who has a disability? …

Avoid Impromptu Job Reviews; It’ll Look Like a ‘Paper’ Job


Warn your supervisors that if they quickly schedule negative employee reviews—particularly after an employee files a complaint—they could appear to be papering the employee’s file in advance of a retaliatory firing, which won’t look good in court …

Know the ‘Cooling Off’ Period for Age-Bias Waivers


Q. Can you tell me if there’s a law that says a 45-day waiting period must exist from the time employees are told they’ll be laid off until they receive the severance payment? Supposedly, this is called a cooling-off period. Is this a federal law? —T.M., Pennsylvania

React quickly to disability accommodation requests

Issue: The EEOC is targeting employers who drag their heels on employees’ disability accommodation requests.
Risk: Courts could see your delay tactics as illegal “constructive discharge” of disabled employees…

Don’t give up on accommodations too early; show a ‘good faith’ effort

When faced with a disabled employee, you must actively negotiate possible accommodations in good faith. That may seem obvious, but employers are constantly …

No need to juice up severance package next year

Nationwide, severance benefits have declined a bit since 2001, according to a survey of 1,030 HR executives by consultant Lee Hecht Harrison. Only one-third of employers changed their severance policies during …

Long delay seldom sinks lawsuits; retain records until case is resolved


If you know an employee has filed a complaint with the EEOC or state anti-discrimination agency, don’t trash any relevant records until you receive official notification that the case has been resolved and won’t be appealed …

Even small changes to employees’ schedules can equal retaliation

To prove retaliation claims in court, employees must be able to show they suffered negative employment action in response to their lawsuit, such as termination, lowering of pay, denying a promotion …

Know the 5 ‘musts’ for age-discrimination waivers

Issue: Very precise wording is needed when employees waive their rights to sue for age discrimination.
Risk: Employers often treat age-bias waivers like any other waiver, a critical mistake that …

You can’t ask employees to sign away FMLA rights

Issue: Severance packages usually ask departing employees to waive their rights to file various employment lawsuits.
Risk: If you include FMLA in that mix, you’ll risk having the whole package …