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Swift Galey employees given second shot at federal assistance


About 800 former employees of the bankrupt Swift Galey textile plant in Muscogee County recently won a second chance at re-employment assistance under the U.S. Trade Act …

North Carolina Wage Payment and Collection Act


The North Carolina Wage Payment and Collection Act seems like it should be rather simple, but it’s perhaps the most complicated employment law in the state. Full of traps for the unwary, the law can spell big trouble for even innocent mistakes. The law covers all North Carolina private employers, even those with only one employee, and requires employers to pay their employees monthly …

Managers who hire for ‘Right look’ may be discriminating


Image is everything, as the saying goes. But be extra careful that your pursuit of a certain work-force image doesn’t result in the weeding out of legally protected employees (females, minorities, older workers, etc.) …

Consistent discipline: Your best defense against firing bias


Some employers’ policies are stricter than others, such as zero-tolerance policies against theft. But it’s more important how you apply your policy than what the policy says …

Hired a dud? Double-Check that person’s qualifications and sniff out exaggerations


You’ve no doubt hired a candidate who looks great on paper but quickly shows deficiencies. The experience he or she listed on the résumé isn’t apparent when the person starts work. Before long, you realize your mistake and fire the new employee, who then sues for discrimination

Listen for hints about illness … they may be FMLA notice


The FMLA’s notice provision requires employees, to be eligible for FMLA leave, to let their employers know that they suffer from a serious health condition. Merely telling a supervisor “I’m sick” doesn’t cross to the threshold of a legitimate FMLA notice. But it’s important for supervisors to know that employees, on the other hand, don’t need to say something as explicit as “I need FMLA leave because I have X illness” …

390,000 reasons to avoid religious talk at work


A new Arizona court ruling offers a good reminder that asking employees about their religious practices is irrelevant unless the employee is requesting a religious accommodation, such as time off to worship …

Can a company be liable for race-biased firing if decision-maker didn’t know the person’s race?


The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide on an important race-discrimination employment issue: whether a fired employee can win a race-discrimination lawsuit when the manager who pulled the trigger on the termination didn’t know the employee’s race …

Florida’s whistle-blower law doesn’t cover report of co-worker assault


Florida’s Whistleblower Act protects employees from retaliation for bringing wrongdoing to the proper authorities’ attention. But the law covers only illegal activities that are purposely committed for the employer’s benefit …

Victoria’s Secret lawsuit serves as warning about pregnancy bias


The manager of a Tampa Victoria’s Secret store recently filed a complaint alleging that the store fired her because she was pregnant. The woman alleges that management told her the pregnancy “was going to be a problem” …