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10 Steps to Stress-Free, Lawsuit-Free Termination Meetings

Terminating an employee is probably the hardest thing an HR professional has to do—and the most legally dangerous. To handle terminations well, you need to keep calm, communicate your message without escalating the tension and stick to a plan. Here’s a 10-step course of action …

Considering rehiring? Ask how he left before

How a worker handles his or her resignation may be good reason to refuse to rehire that worker later.

Worker fired for breaking policy: Chasing thieves

There are two risks an employee takes if he tries to stop robbers in the act.

Keep exit clear during termination meeting

Terminating an employee is never easy. Plan the meeting in a way that’s private; and don’t prevent the employee from leaving.

Keep discharge meeting short and simple

Deliver discharge news at a short and focused meeting. Remind everyone that the purpose is to let the worker know he has been discharged and obtain badges and other company property. Don’t be goaded into an argument.

How to Wipe Out Fraud and Abuse Under FMLA


The medical certification process is your most potent weapon for combating potential FMLA fraud. But obtaining a certification is only the first fraud-stopping step. Here are 10 more things you can do to keep employees from gaming the FMLA system.

Don’t add fuel when you fire: 6 tips for terminations

If you supervise employees in any capacity, there will come a time when you need to let someone go. Here are some tips for making the best of a bad situation.

Poor behavior? Deal with it by documenting it

Do you have an angry, dissatisfied employee that no supervisor seems capable of making happy? Then document any behavior that demonstrates the employee is difficult or insubordinate and discipline accordingly.

Designing a Progressive Discipline Policy

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ The most reliable way to protect your organization from wrongful termination charges is to establish and enforce a system of progressive discipline. Having such a structure in place, and making it clear to all supervisors that they are expected to abide by it, is your best defense […]

Employee gave two weeks’ notice–can we just terminate him right away?

Q. An employee has recently provided two weeks’ notice of his intent to resign. Can I tell the worker that he or she is not needed for the two weeks and avoid paying him for that time?