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Remedy for discrimination can include neutral references and contact reporting

Employees who win discrimination lawsuits against their former employers sometimes are entitled to more than money. In the right circumstances, they are entitled to other things to make them “whole” again, including positive references, notice when a prospective employer contacts the former employer and changes to the separation notice …

Half of employers have fired staff for online abuses

More than a quarter of employers say they’ve fired employees for misusing e-mail, and one-third have fired workers for misusing the Internet, according to an annual American Management Association survey …

Dilbert and the drunken lemurs

The Catfish Bend Casino in Iowa fired David Steward recently after surveillance video showed that Steward posted a Dilbert comic strip on an office bulletin board.  The comic strip implied the company’s bosses were a bunch of “drunken lemurs.” …

How many no-Show days equal ‘Job abandonment’?

Q. How many days does an employee have to report his absence (no show, no call) before we can terminate him for job abandonment? — W.L., Wisconsin …

Handling a disability claim: step by step

Q. We recently terminated an employee who couldn’t get his work done on time (and basically couldn’t sit still). He had told his supervisor before that he had attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but that wasn’t taken into consideration. Now he’s threatening to sue. Are we at risk, and should we settle? — A.L., Connecticut …

Encourage civility, but don’t sweat every little slight

Minor annoyances, favoritism or other unfair treatment in the workplace aren’t enough to sustain a discrimination lawsuit. As the following case shows, employees have to be able to tolerate some uncomfortable moments without resorting to the legal system for relief …

Make sure everyone knows to process legal docs ASAP

Nothing will get an organization in hot water faster than ignoring legal paperwork. Missed deadlines may mean a default judgment, with the tardy employer missing any chance to defend itself in court. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to have a clear process for handling any incoming legal documents …

Judge overturns Los Angeles labor ordinance

In a decision some hope will lead to fewer local laws controlling how employers manage their work forces, a California Superior Court judge has struck down a Los Angeles ordinance that made it illegal for large supermarket chains taking over local grocery stores to fire existing employees …

At-Will employment and our ability to fire

Q. We are a small company with fewer than 10 employees. We would like to terminate an employee who is pulling down workplace morale. What are the risks? …

Employee working while on FMLA leave? Check certification

If you find out that a worker out on FMLA leave is actually working for someone else, it’s time to check the employee’s FMLA certification. If the certificate says he’s “unable to perform work of any kind,” you can and should take action …