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Repeated warnings of fraud may be protected whistle-blowing


Minnesota employees are protected from retaliation for reporting possible illegal activities to their employers under the Minnesota Whistleblower Act …

Good records make it easy to justify discipline


The Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared,” applies to employers, too. You simply never know when—or why—a fired employee will sue. But you don’t have much to worry about if you have processes in place to make sure each and every disciplinary decision is fair and rational …

EEOC sues Mesaba Airlines over Sabbath rules


The EEOC has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Laura Vallejos, a former customer service agent for Northwest Airlines’ subsidiary, Mesaba Airlines, based in Eagan. She claims she was fired for refusing to work past sundown on Fridays, the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath …

DNR chief hits the trail


Col. Mike Hamm, head of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Enforcement Division, retired in September amid speculation that he was about to be fired …

Court: Lewis gave up police job when he ran for Tampa mayor


Former Tampa Police Department (TPD) Capt. Marion Serious Lewis forfeited his law enforcement job when he ran to unseat Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio in 2007, a Florida appeals court has ruled. The city sought to enforce Tampa’s “resign to run” statute …

Disabled workers can collect unemployment if denied accommodations they ask for


Employees who become disabled, request accommodations that never materialize and then resign may end up getting unemployment compensation. But if disabled employees fail to request accommodations, they’re out of luck …

Michigan joins other states needing unemployment bailouts


Michigan’s unemployment fund is once again running dry. The fund has had to borrow from the federal government during the past two years to stay solvent, amassing a debt of $255 million. But as bad off as it is, Michigan’s unemployment fund isn’t alone …

Obesity discrimination is common — and against the law


A recent study by Michigan State University and Hope College found that employers perceive overweight workers as lazier, more emotionally unstable and harder to get along with than their “normal weight” counterparts.

Back to work at Detroit City Hall . . . or not


Detroit Auditor General Loren Monroe has recommended better oversight of the city’s operations in the wake of the resignation of former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. In a memo to new Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr., Monroe called for implementing a detailed budget …

Mall management interfering with union drive, workers say


A group of contract janitors at Park Meadows Mall in Littleton, Colo., walked off the job in September to protest unfair labor practices by the Millard Group, which provides cleaning services to malls owned by General Growth Properties (GGP) of Chicago …