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Government workers’ ‘free speech’ might be nothing more than insubordination


Public employees are protected from being fired for exercising their right to free speech—but government agencies still have the right to manage their workforces. Those rights may clash when a public employee complains about how she is supposed to do her job …

Pittsburgh hospital hostile to the sick, EEOC lawsuit claims


The EEOC has filed a lawsuit against LifeCare Hospitals of Pittsburgh, a pioneer in caring for those with long-term acute illnesses, for turning its back on an employee who developed cancer …

Johnstown-area workers tilt at Spanish windmill company


Kevin Wagner, Paul McElhenny and Rick Williams are suing Gamesa/Fiberblade, a Spanish manufacturer of wind turbines, for allegedly replacing them with younger workers and those from Spain …

Can I punish employees who miss work because they are witnesses in a trial?


Q. Several employees have requested leave to be witnesses in an upcoming criminal trial. This is the busiest time of year for me. Can I discipline these employees in accordance with my absentee policy for missing work to attend this trial? If they know that’s what I plan to do, maybe they can avoid being witnesses.

Act fast and fairly to investigate when employee complains of hostile work environment


No matter how hard you work to make sure your workplace is a model of fairness and civility, you can’t rule out the possibility that an employee will come to HR with a claim that she’s being forced to work in a racially or sexually hostile environment. How you handle that complaint may make the difference between nipping an ugly problem in the bud and paying a huge jury award.

Keep detailed records on disciplinary process


Far too often, careless employers lose lawsuits they should have won, especially when it comes to terminations. Here’s why: Some fired employees will sue for discrimination, and they have to show that you treated them differently because of some protected characteristic such as race, gender or age …

Government workers squeezed as economy shrinks tax base


Georgia ended its fiscal year with a $1.6 billion budget shortfall, money it will have to squeeze out of its spending in the coming fiscal year. As a result, state workers in numerous departments and agencies are facing layoffs, pay freezes and reduced hours.

Temp agencies don’t have to cut check immediately after each assignment


Some temp employees have tried to argue that they should be paid immediately for their work as soon as they finish a particular assignment—and not have to wait until the next regular payday. They’ve claimed that when each assignment ends, they are in effect being “discharged.” Now a federal trial court has clarified that the end of an assignment isn’t a “discharge.”

Confidentiality provision may violate federal labor law


A temporary employment agency violated federal labor law by including a confidentiality provision in an employment contract, according to a recent NLRB ruling (Northeastern Land Services, Ltd. dba The NLS Group and Jamison John Dupuy, 352 NLRB No. 89, 2008). In the case, the agency fired a worker for violating the confidentiality provision …

Firing a ‘That’s not in my job description’ complainer


Q. The owner of our company recently fired an employee who refused to run a business-related errand. The employee said running errands wasn’t in his job description. Can he sue us for wrongful termination? …