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Let employee bring co-worker to inquiry meeting

If one of your employees wants to bring a co-worker along to an investigative meeting that could result in discipline, you’d better let him. Union employees …

Be consistent: Don’t slap harasser on wrist, then fire victim

Michelle Johnson complained that her boss, a police chief, exposed himself, touched her inappropriately and verbally abused her. The employer launched an investigation. Johnson saw the chief as he was …

Don’t trip over wiretap laws

An African-American worker claimed he “accidentally” turned on a tape recorder in his duffel bag that just happened to catch two co-workers making racial …

Stop violence with strong policy, calm approach

Courts say your company has a responsibility to keep workers and customers safe from dangers that it can “reasonably anticipate.” With nearly 2 million assaults …

Advocating for minorities can be grounds for bias claim

John B. Johnson doesn’t say he was discriminated against because he is an African-American but because he advocated for minorities in his role …

State may let you force worker to foot the bill for your error

For two years, Batteries Plus was erroneously generous with one of its employees’ paychecks. Clinton Mohr had been receiving mileage reimbursements …

Be wary of firing employees for aggressive union organizing

John Ramirez’s union asked him to apply for a welder’s job to help organize the workers. He got the job and quickly started rallying support for a union bid. But …

Whistle-blowers protected even if they defy complaint process

Barbara Fleming, a nurse at a women’s prison, complained to her direct supervisor that other employees were providing inmates medication under expired prescriptions. When her oral complaint got no response, …

More reason to prevent race bias: Courts open new avenue for claims

Jackie Lauture, an African-American, was an at-will employee at IBM for 16 years before she was fired for poor performance. She sued for race discrimination …

Beware of Restrictions on Right to Fire at Will


Q. I would like to fire an employee who is unpleasant to work with. We simply don’t “click.” Do I have to have cause to terminate him? —A.C., Virginia