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Unsigned contracts can lock you in

After negotiations to open a new restaurant, a company gave chef Roland Schnider a final draft of a three-year employment agreement that covered salary, benefits, bonuses and an ownership interest in …

Get separate signature to enforce arbitration agreements

When Lupe Romo filed suit after being fired, her employer argued that she had to take her complaint to arbitration. Reason: An agreement to arbitrate was part of the employee handbook, …

Requests for accommodation must be reasonable

After an argument between Manuella Reed and a co-worker, her plant manager told Reed she should walk away from altercations and contact a supervisor. Months later, Reed got into a heated …

Informal vacation policy can cost you.

Don’t leave any doubt about when workers are on vacation. Michael Pelletier’s employer fired him after 20 years on the job, claiming he failed to show up for three days …

Bankruptcy bias: Handle deadbeat applicants carefully

Don’t refuse to hire applicants, and don’t fire current employees, solely because they’ve filed for bankruptcy. The U.S. Bankruptcy Code bars such discrimination. However, you can consider an applicant’s overall …

Employees don’t have to exhaust paid sick leave before taking FMLA

Russell Strickland left work early because his diabetes acted up and affected his vision. Strickland claimed he told his manager and another employee why he was leaving. But the manager …

Snuff out gossip about firings; don’t forward damaging e-mail

New York Life forbade employees to use their corporate American Express cards for personal items. But Phyllis Meloff says she got permission to use the card for her commuting costs as …

State Family Leave Law May Ban Moonlighting


Q. We recently learned that an employee on FMLA leave is working for another company. Can we fire her? —D.G., Arizona

Co-worker romance: Set a policy that balances rights, liability

Jess McCavitt claims his company withheld a promotion and then fired him for being romantically involved with another officer in the company. He said their relationship had no effect on their …

Addiction isn’t a license for unacceptable behavior.

The city of Chicago fired Daniel Pernice after he was arrested off duty for disorderly conduct and possessing cocaine. He argued that his addiction was a disability and having drugs was …