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Strategic Planning

Don’t make new hires wait long to be 401(k)-eligible

Your competitors are shortening the length of time that new employees are eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan. More than half (51 percent) of companies now allow 401(k) participation within …

Major revision planned for ADA’s access rules

In January, a government panel approved the first major update of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations since 1991. That move revises the ADA’s Accessibility Guidelines, which govern how organizations must …

Supreme Court protects age-related benefits

Issue: A key new ruling says your organization can offer benefit packages designed specifically for older employees. Benefit: More flexibility to set employee perks; eliminates the fear of “reverse” age …

MBA or MSHRM? Five questions to help you decide

Issue: Is pursuing a graduate degree worth the effort? If so, which one should you pursue? Benefits: An advanced degree can build your HR and business know-how, plus boost career …

Make sure HR spending aligns with management goals

HR spending often wildly varies from the senior management’s priorities, says a new Watson Wyatt survey. Examples: While managers ranked staff selection second in terms of their priorities, it ranked 36th …

Beware labor’s pitch to create union sympathizers

As AFL-CIO union membership continues to decline, it’s trying another tack: creating an army of nonunionized workers to rally support for its causes. Rather than organizing individual workplaces, this program, dubbed …

Use media to boost the organization’s stature (and yours)

Issue: The media’s growing interest in HR and workplace issues. Benefit: By gaining publicity for your organization, you can aid recruitment efforts and earn kudos from top brass. Action: …

Light a fire under execs to perform an ‘energy audit’

Issue: Some utilities and government groups offer businesses free energy audits. Benefit: By suggesting such audits, you position yourself as a strategic thinker looking out for the organization’s bottom line. …

Your cost-saving plan of the year: Health Savings Accounts

Issue: The new Medicare law allows employees to set up tax-free savings accounts to cover uninsured medical costs. Benefit: Setting up HSAs for employees could allow you to offer them …

Act quickly to bring back injured employees

Issue: The longer an employee stays out on workers’ comp, the less likely he or she is to return to work. Risk: Higher workers’ comp and associated medical costs; plus …