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Policies / Handbooks

CDC’s updated covid guidelines: Learn to live with it

The CDC has relaxed its recommendations for handling covid-19 in the workplace.

Don’t make this $10 million vaccine mistake

First, the bad news: An employer recently agreed to pay $10 million to a group of employees who refused to be vaccinated against covid-19 for religious reasons. The good news: The same fate won’t befall your organization if you follow some simple steps that balance religious objections against business and organizational needs.

Court rules public prayer OK for high school coach

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 27 that a school system in Washington violated the Constitution when it said a high school football coach could not kneel in prayer on the field before and after games. The 7-2 opinion in Kennedy v. Bremerton School Dist. primarily affects public employees, who enjoy greater First Amendment protections at work than private-sector employees do.

Employers can still ban firearms at work

Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a New York law restricting the concealed carrying of firearms, employers are wondering if they have the right to prohibit concealed guns on their premises. The short answer is yes.

Assess policies, practices for LGBT inclusion

June 15 is the second anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which ruled employers cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity. June is also Pride Month, making now a good time to review your legal obligations and perhaps reset policies to make your workplace more welcoming for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees.

Employers wrestling with covid safety, return to work

Employers face a host of issues as they negotiate returning to on-site work amid a historically tight labor market, according to a Littler Mendelson survey conducted in March.

Yes, you need a code of conduct. What should it say?

Most companies have anti-harassment policies. Far fewer include behaviors that fall outside of illegal protected-class workplace harassment. The time has come for all employers to adopt a code of conduct in addition to their harassment policy—and let all employees, customers and vendors know that any mistreatment of employees or others will not be tolerated.

OK, the mask mandate is toast. What do you do now?

Masks may not be required on public transportation anymore, but that doesn’t mean you must scrap your own covid-safety policies.

Positive cannabis tests broke record in 2021

The number of U.S. employees testing positive for drugs broke records in 2021, a result that has some questioning the value of routinely testing applicants and employees for marijuana.

Is it time to drop your vaccine mandate?

Is it time for employers to rethink their covid-19 policies, including requiring employees to be vaccinated and boosted as a condition of employment? The answer depends on a number of factors. Before making a decision on internal vaccine mandates, weigh these issues.