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Policies / Handbooks

Review policy wording to ensure no e-Mail privacy rights


New Jersey employers have every right to monitor their employees’ e-mail messages and computer usage so long as they have a strong electronic communications policy. That’s true even if the content might otherwise fall under attorney-client privilege …

You can fire managers who ignore harassment complaints


The best harassment policy in the world isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if employees don’t take it seriously. To show your policy has teeth, you have to let it bite …

Lesson From Tiffany’s Lawsuit: Don’t Ban On-Site Breast-Feeding


New Jersey employers can’t interfere with employees or customers who breast-feed their children in public, as Tiffany and Co. learned the hard way …

Race-Based assignment isn’t always discrimination


It’s typically not wise to assign employees to working groups based on race, sex or any other protected characteristic. But you won’t always be liable for discrimination in such cases. Just make sure you have a valid business-based reason for doing so, and then apply that policy consistently to affected employees …

Set mileage minimums on company cars? Be alert to employees who pad the odometer


File this one under "unintended consequences": In an effort to save money, the Fairfax County, Va., government established 4,500 miles as the annual usage minimum for keeping a county vehicle. Employees who fall below the limit lose their cars …

‘Not accepting applications’ sign is legal


Q. If we don’t have a job opening, are we required to hand out applications to anyone who asks? Or can we just say that we’re not taking applications at this time? —J. I., Washington

Employee: Leave! Encourage workers to use vacation time


As the year-end approaches, take an inventory of employees who haven’t taken their vacations yet, and suggest they book a getaway. Vacation skipping has become an epidemic …

Red alert: The 8 warning signs of violent employee behavior


When violence occurs at work, employees may say their violent co-worker "just snapped." But, the truth is, people usually don’t snap. They display warning signs long before they actually act out. Too many supervisors let things like threats and argumentative behavior slide until it’s too late …

U.S. Workplace Becoming More Gay-Friendly


This year, 138 major corporations earned a perfect 100-percent score in the Corporate Equity Index, a measure created by the gay-rights Human Rights Campaign to track employers’ policies toward homosexuals …

Help boomers use FMLA accurately for elder care leave


As your baby boomer employees watch their parents enter their 80s and 90s, more of them are taking time off to care for those aging parents. The problem: More than 60 percent of employers believe they’ve granted FMLA time off that was unfounded, according to a Society for Human Resource Management survey. That spells unwarranted absenteeism, which can disrupt work flow …