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Policies / Handbooks

Suspend attendance amnesty during FMLA

Many employers let employees “work off” points they rack up for absenteeism and tardiness. A new federal court ruling says employers may stop the clock from ticking while an employee is out on FMLA leave.

New state lactation accommodation requirements may be coming to California

California Senate Bill 142 would amend building codes to require new commercial buildings and those undergoing improvements costing over $1 million to include designated lactation spaces for employees.

Beware unreasonably tight deadlines for filing internal reports of sexual harassment

The EEOC believes overly strict time limits tend to discourage reporting and absolve supervisors of responsibility for reporting. Plus, it may embolden harassers to repeat their harassment or escalate it.

The ‘silver bullet’ reason to make your employee handbook electronic

We all know that an employee handbook confined to paper form can be tedious and expensive to update, but the reasons to consider a switch to an electronic format go far beyond cost and time considerations. “I really can’t emphasize one thing enough,” employment law attorney Anniken Davenport told a webinar audience in January, “which is that a properly implemented electronic version will allow management to track which employee accessed which section of the handbook, and when.”

Lawsuit alert: Beware disciplining for infractions of seldom-enforced rules

Sometimes, supervisors get frustrated with workers they consider trouble makers because they complain all the time. Those bosses need to think twice before they retaliate by strictly enforcing work rules—especially if they have often ignored those rules in the past.

Get out the vote: Create a voting leave policy

You can encourage voter turnout by implementing a voting leave policy. A voting leave policy shows you take the right to vote seriously.

Have a hotline? Take all complaints seriously

Most employers have heard that setting up a hotline so employees can report discrimination will help them defend against lawsuits later. But that hotline can also bite the employer if it doesn’t take complaints seriously and try to fix reported problems.

NYC is first to ban bias on the basis of hairstyles

The New York City Commission on Human Rights has issued guidance making clear that the city considers discrimination on the basis of someone’s hairstyle to be a subset of race discrimination.

No-fighting rule? Punish combatants equally

You probably have a rule against any form of violence in the workplace. Make sure you uniformly discipline everyone involved in any altercation.

SUNY requires system-wide relationship policies

Regulations set to take effect March 1 require all campuses in the State University of New York system to develop a “Sexual and Romantic Relationship” policy.