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HR Management

New rules define employers’ reservist-leave responsibilities

Employers confused over how to comply with the Uniformed Services Em-ployment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) now have new guidelines to follow. For the first time since USERRA’s passage in 1994, …

Firing family members? If they’re at will, it’s your call


Q. We may soon terminate an employee whose daughter also works here. We’re uncomfortable with her daughter remaining as an employee. Can we legally terminate the daughter, as well? —R.M., Missouri

Help employees ease holiday-season stress

The most popular thing U.S. employers do to help employees alleviate holiday-related stress is to schedule holiday events during business hours …

Expect more safety complaints from Hispanic workers

OSHA is pushing more information to Hispanics about workplace safety and their rights as whistle-blowers on your company’s safety violations.
OSHA recently added new sections to its Web site, including …

No pressure to ratchet up pay raises in 2005

Issue: Even with the economy moving again, employers are playing it safe, budgeting for modest employee pay raises in 2005. Benefit: By pointing …

Consider switching to electronic I-9s; Congress gives the OK

Issue: You’ll soon be allowed to process and store I-9 forms electronically. Benefit: Save time and money on I-9 processing, especially if your organization …

Congress gives OK to maintain I-9 records electronically

Current law requires you to obtain a handwritten signature from each new hire on an I-9 Form to verify the person’s work eligibility. And you must retain each I-9 in paper …

Prepare for HIPAA’s final phase: the security rule

It’s back … Just when you thought you’d heard the last word about complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the final compliance phase is just around the …

Skeptical of ‘Spouse’ on benefit plan? Ask for proof


Q. A few of our employees have added their spouses to our health benefits plan. We’ve heard through the grapevine that some of these “couples” aren’t actually married. Can we check on this without being discriminatory? —L.C., Illinois

Enforce ‘truth statement’ on applications

If your organization’s job application doesn’t include a “statement of accuracy,” add one fast. In signing, applicants promise they’ve given complete and accurate answers. Such statements provide a solid legal basis …