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HR Management

All employers now have ability to confirm I-9 documents online

The federal government extended a pilot program to all 50 states that will let you go online to check the authenticity of new hires’ work authorization documents, such as Social Security …

FMLA certification: Collect medical-leave proof the right way

THE LAW. The FMLA lets eligible employees take up to 12 weeks of un-paid, job-protected leave each year for their own “serious health condition,” or if the employee is caring …

Expand your benefit options; more insurers offer HSA plans

Issue: More health insurance companies are offering plans that include Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
Benefit: HSA popularity will take off in 2005-2006. And more insurers will translate into better plan …

Earn kudos for leading the charge for a security upgrade

Issue: Companies that lack any kind of security system run a 4.5 times higher risk of burglary and vandalism.
Benefit: Small-scale security systems have become more affordable and easier to …

Should you create an ‘alumni’ Web site for former staff?

Issue: Establishing a Web site that acts as an online home for your organization’s former employees.
Benefit: Such alumni sites help you recruit former employees (boomerangs), generate referrals and build …

Review workplace treatment of Hispanic employees

Reason: The federal government is reaching out to Hispanic people to make them more aware of their workplace rights. Latest effort: The EEOC launched a new Spanish-language version of its Web …

Show how HR helps forward the big boss’s goals

Issue: Learn the top brass’s priorities, and then match them up with your HR projects.
Benefit: By showing how your work helps the big bosses meet their goals, you become …

New motivation to complete your EEO-1 paperwork

If you’re required to file an annual EEO-1 form, don’t let the task slip: The EEOC can get tough with companies that shrug off this duty. Example: The EEOC filed a …

Never sign HR documents for employees

As part of his age-bias lawsuit, James Halloran claimed that his employer’s HR director signed Halloran’s signature to the bottom of a negative performance review. At trial, the company admitted to …

Warn managers: no ‘one-sided’ socializing

Supervisors may naturally feel more comfortable with employees from one gender or the other. But, as a new court ruling shows, it’s important to counsel supervisors never to hold members of …