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HR Management

Perk up your presentations: 7 tips from Apple’s Steve Jobs


Dry, rambling HR presentations will cause employees to tune out. To sharpen your presentation techniques, heed these methods of Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs, a widely acknowledged presentation master …

Get Ahead by Drafting Your Own ‘Career Annual Report’


What have you learned and accomplished in the past five years? If you can’t answer that question, you’ll have a tougher time selling yourself to potential employers. Use the following template to create an annual report that can help collect your thoughts each year …

New guidelines sound alarm on race, color bias


The EEOC just revamped its guidance on racial and color discrimination in the workplace. These changes signal increased race-bias enforcement, plus more EEOC attention to "subtle" discrimination …

Contain runaway diabetes costs with screening, education


Employees with diabetes suffer more absenteeism and higher health costs. Sixty-two percent of larger employers have some kind of diabetes management plan, according to Mercer HR consulting …

Plan ahead for the pandemic flu threat


Whether it’s bird flu or a more general flu pandemic, experts say some type of global flu outbreak is inevitable in the coming years that could kill 2 million Americans. The federal government is encouraging employers to create contingency plans …

Record-Keeping: Heed federal rules for discovery of e-mail, IMs


American workers can access the Internet, e-mail, instant messaging and other forms of electronic communications from anywhere at anytime. While electronic communication helps people do their jobs, it also leaves a trail. A telephone conversation relies on the memory of two participants, but e-mail and IM discussions can be preserved for years to come. And, given the casual way so many people fire off e-mail these days, that can spell legal trouble for employers.

Discover the free perks a credit union can offer


Contrary to popular belief, credit unions aren’t just for unions, governments or Fortune 500 companies. Laws do place some limits on the people credit unions may serve, but thanks to an expansion of the definitions in recent years, the financial institutions’ reach is wider today …


Low-Cost Summer Camp Help


The HR department at AstraZeneca’s U.S. headquarters helps employees who are parents line up summer camps for their kids by hosting a “camp fair” every spring …

Solving Day-Care Dilemmas


When they heard rumblings from staff that finding reliable and affordable in-home infant and child care was becoming more difficult all the time, the benefits and work/life pros at the University of Washington in Seattle started working on a solution …

Moving your health care costs to health care assets


Corporate America continues to register alarm over unrelenting health care cost growth. If not restrained, health care costs will significantly affect every firm’s profitability and competitiveness …