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HR Management

OSHA fielding more than 50 whistleblower complaints per week

OSHA has been on a tear enforcing provisions of the law that forbid retaliation against employees who blow the whistle on unsafe working conditions.

Snapshot: Women in STEM jobs: Representation varies

Women hold half of American jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. However, their representation varies greatly by discipline.

59% of workers concerned about their mental health

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, six in 10 American workers surveyed by the Conference Board business advisory group in March said mental and psychological health was their top wellbeing concern.

Help newlyweds make new names official

Expect an outbreak of wedding bells among your employees later this year. HR and payroll should start preparing now to process name changes.

Rein in inappropriate tweets, even the boss’s

When senior executives discuss company business, they are speaking for the company. That speech includes Twitter content, according to the National Labor Relations Board, which has been coming down hard on CEOs who tweet during union organizing drives.

48% of employers won’t track vaccination status

Nearly half of HR leaders surveyed in March by Gartner Research say they don’t plan to track the vaccination status of their employees.

Employers facilitating vaccines for employees

Six in 10 employers have communicated to employees the value of vaccines, researchers found. Another 35% plan to do so.

States weigh laws banning vaccine mandates

As covid-19 vaccines become commonly available nationwide, many employers are either requiring or strongly encouraging their employees to get the shots. But what if workers balk at receiving vaccines? Can employers fire them or prevent them from coming to work because of their vaccination status?

It’s time to scrap pay-secrecy policies

Traditionally, employers have tried to keep a lid on compensation-related discord by asking employees not to discuss pay. To some extent, that’s just the way it’s always been. But today, no-talk-about-pay rules are under legal assault, challenged for violating the law and helping perpetuate income inequality.

Shootings shine spotlight on anti-AAPI bias

Mass murders last month at Atlanta-area massage parlors highlighted the growing threat of violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The EEOC quickly issued a statement condemning the violence—and foreshadowing greater enforcement against those who harass members of the AAPI community.