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HR Management

Spanish ship workers can sue Owens-Illinois for asbestos

Fifteen Spanish workers are suing Owens-Illinois, Inc., based in Perrysburg, over asbestos exposure. A New Jersey appellate panel reversed a lower court ruling that dismissed the workers’ suit due to lack of jurisdiction …

Add state-of-the-art equipment to list of Gen Y benefits


You expect colleges and universities to prepare your youngest workers for their new jobs. But are you prepared for them? Twentysomething employees expect the workplace to greet them with technology that is no less cutting edge than the tools they use in their personal lives and on campus. Here are seven ways to use technology to retain Gen Y’ers …

Prepare to meet older workers’ needs for ‘Encore careers’

Your organization’s mature workers might decide not to end their careers when they reach retirement age. If your organization wants to keep experienced, retirement-age employees on board, prepare to meet the needs of this older cohort. Here’s how …

Use stats to convince young staff to dress for success

Has the warm summer weather deluded your young employees into believing it’s OK to sport weekend wear in the office? Share this tidbit with them: 41% of employers are more likely to promote workers who wear professional attire …

Energy firm workers stay fit with scuba

Oklahoma City is a long way away from the ocean, but Chesapeake Energy Corp. encourages employees to stay healthy by taking scuba diving lessons. The push is part of the company’s “Living Well” program, which pays employees up to $1,000 a year for improving their health through exercise and education …

Tailor incentives to encourage most important health behaviors

Half of large employers use incentives to encourage employees to quit smoking, lose weight or otherwise improve their health, and that number will leap to 74% next year, predicts HR consulting firm Watson Wyatt Worldwide …

Using GPS tracking devices without violating employee privacy

Global Positioning System devices make it easy for employers to keep track of the location of company vehicles. But for all the pluses of GPS, there are minuses. Because GPS devices also can pinpoint where employees who use company vehicles are and where they have been, the technology has raised new worker privacy concerns that HR professionals need to know about …

Remind employees often and clearly about handbook

Smart HR pros set up tickler files to remind themselves to make sure everyone has the current version of the employee handbook—and any arbitration agreements you ask employees to sign. That file makes it easier to ensure every employee has an up-to-date copy and gets revisions every time policies change …

Sure, they’re fair and balanced, but have they been fumigated?

Jane Clark is suing the landlord of the Fox News Channel building, claiming three encounters with bedbugs left her unable to work. Clark, a satellite feed coordinator for Fox News, says she suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after her brush with the bugs …

OSHA citations follow NYC window-Washing scaffold collapse

OSHA has cited two companies for workplace safety violations that led to the deaths of two window washers in Manhattan last December. The workers fell 47 stories when their scaffolding platform detached from the window-washing rig attached to the building’s roof …