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HR Management

How to manage pay-for-Performance in today’s harsh new business environment


If your organization has plenty of employees, but not enough of the skilled workers critical to surviving a down business cycle, you’re going to have to change your compensation plan. Three changes pave the way—finally!—for a pay-for-performance system that works.

How long must we retain records?

Q. How long should I keep employment-related records, such as wage information and personnel files? …

Political activity in the workplace: Can you discipline employees?


The upcoming elections will highlight partisan politics and controversial issues affecting employees. No doubt, your workplace will be the site of some political discussions—and maybe overtly political activity. You need to understand when you can and cannot discipline employees for political activity …

Take these 3 steps to help your employees prevent cancer


It costs five times more to insure an employee who has cancer than one who doesn’t, a recent survey revealed. But it could cost your organization as little as $2.95 per employee, per month to cover the costs of early detection. Here is what your organization can do to help prevent cancer among your employees and lower the medical and lost-productivity costs associated with the disease …

Free daily lunches help retain staff


Employees of


in Andover, Mass., rarely go out for lunch. Instead, they enjoy catered meals every day—right at work. Employees eat and talk together in the company’s two lunchrooms … 

100% of employees participate in wellness program at tech firm


At Dynamic Edge in Ann Arbor, Mich., everyone takes part in the company’s wellness program. To keep participation high, the tech support firm lets its 35 employees earn a point for every 15 minutes they spend exercising. An employee who earns 150 points receives a $100 check toward a gym membership …

Budget for lower health cost growth in ’09


Health care costs are expected to increase on average 10.6% in the next 12 months, the lowest percentage increase since 2001. That’s what Aon Consulting Worldwide found when it surveyed more than 70 health care insurers, representing more than 100 million insured individuals …

Appeal to older workers with these 4 health plan ‘Extras’


Health care coverage becomes increasingly important to employees as they get older. If you’re courting mature, experienced workers to join your team—or if you want to retain the ones you have—you might need to tweak your health benefits so they appeal more to over-50 employees. Here are four health-related perks that could help you seal the deal …

Don’t tell supervisors to expect subordinate bigotry


Here’s a way to create management problems and encourage potential lawsuits: Just tell minority managers and supervisors that they can expect their subordinates to harass them and ignore directives because of prejudice in the ranks.  The correct approach: Have a solid anti-harassment policy in place and enforce it …

Tale of two cases: How to avoid costly FMLA and ADA mistakes

Two recent cases exemplify how easy it is for an unaware and unprepared employer to run afoul of employment laws. In one, an employer’s handbook promised more benefits than the law required the company to provide. In another, the employer transferred a disabled employee apparently just to ease a supervisor’s discomfort with dealing with a disabled staff member …