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HR Management

Wellness goes extreme: scuba, sailing, mountain climbing


In a bid to improve employees’ fitness and reduce health costs, some U.S. employers are going far beyond subsidizing health-club fees or hosting lunchtime walking clubs. They’re taking their wellness initiatives to the edge. Three examples …

Tell bosses: Absolutely no comments on ethnicity


Here’s another good reason to tell all managers you’ll tolerate absolutely no ethnic, religious or racial comments: Just one or two comments followed by an adverse employment action may be enough to establish a hostile work environment. And those later acts can extend the time the employee has to file his claim.

Economic woes force changes in staffing, salaries, benefits


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, one-fifth of U.S. employers have instituted layoffs and another 26% expect to shed jobs in the next 12 months, according to a survey by global consulting firm Watson Wyatt.

‘Sweeping’ changes in store for HR & employers


Change. America voted for it, and the HR world will certainly receive its fair share next year. The arrival in Washington of President-elect Obama and a firmly Democratic-controlled Congress will spark an array of legislative and regulatory proposals that could rewrite the employment law rule book.

‘Hey, lady! That’s a man’s job!’


Maybe a long, long time ago, in a far, far away place, folks used to tell women, “Oh, you can’t do that … it’s a man’s job.” Maybe the work was too heavy, muddy or risky? But welcome to 2009, where jobs are no longer classified by gender. Better check to make sure your hiring managers understand that, too!

Pregnancy—an ‘off-duty injury’—prompts Detroit Police suit


Five Detroit police officers have filed a lawsuit challenging a department policy that forces pregnant officers to go on sick leave as soon as their supervisors find out they’re pregnant.

The 7 most important steps for minimizing layoff risks


Many employers looking for ways to deal with the financial hardships of today’s tough economy are considering reductions in force (RIFs), layoffs and other forms of organizational restructuring. But how you conduct a RIF may spell the difference between a fresh start for the company and a nightmare of litigation …

HR cost-cutting moves: Your benchmarks for surviving the meltdown


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of U.S. employers expect to make layoffs in the next 12 months. Find out how employers nationwide are hunkering down—and the HR lessons you can apply to your organization. Your goal: Do what needs to be done … without killing productivity.

Do you have specific rules for calling in sick? They may be contractual


Employers sometimes come up with some very specific rules for when and how employees must call in to let their bosses know they will miss work. Sometimes those rules become contracts …

Breaking no-alcohol rule may mean no jobless benefits


If you have a zero-tolerance policy for employees drinking alcohol on duty, employees who are fired for breaking the rules may be denied unemployment compensation benefits—even if the employee wasn’t impaired enough to be criminally charged with drunken driving.