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Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act


HR Law 101: The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), signed into law in May 2008, prohibits employers with 15 or more employees from discriminating against job applicants or employees based on their genetic information in hiring, firing, compensation or any other terms of employment.

Should HR work space be separated from others?


Q. We don’t have a lot of space in our office. Our HR staff shares space with administrative employees and some managers. Must we separate the HR staff from others to protect employee records from snooping eyes?

Unionized Workplaces: Management’s Rights


HR Law 101: Let’s say a union has just won a representation election and now you’ve become a unionized employer. Suddenly, after running your own business, you’ve got a partner. No more unilateral decisions in dealing with your employees …

Griddlegate: Pancakes, French toast sweetened state e-mails


Gov. Charlie Crist has called for an investigation following allegations that Florida Department of Transportation employees used code words in e-mails referring to the state’s pending high-speed rail program. Some e-mails refer to “pancakes” and “French toast,” apparent code words for aspects of the transit. The suspected reason for the syrupy sleight of hand: to avoid having the e-mails discovered through Freedom of Information Act requests.

Sample Policy: Terminations

The following sample policies were excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist. Edit for your organization’s purposes. _____________________ Sample Policy 1: “There are two ways to terminate employment: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary terminations include resignations, retirement, failure to return from leave, failure to report to work for three consecutive days without […]

Focus on productivity and ROI: Vision benefits gain value as workforce ages


Maybe it’s that the screen of a BlackBerry is just too small to read—or maybe the eyesight of your aging workforce is beginning to dim. As screens get smaller and employees spend more time looking at them, encourage employees to have their eyes checked regularly.

The thermostat wars: 46% say ‘too hot’ or ‘too cold’


More than a quarter (27%) of the 4,200 office workers surveyed by CareerBuilder describe their workplace as “too hot,” and 19% said “too cold.” Just over half (54%) said “just right.”

The cost of a burned-out light bulb: $12.7 million


Thinking about forming a safety committee? Here’s incentive: During the night, a Seattle firefighter mistook the fire pole for a restroom door. (A safety light that illuminated the pole had burned out.) He fell 18 feet and suffered spine and brain injuries … A jury awarded him $12.7 million.

HR in the new year: 10 trends, 10 resolutions


The cost cutting and staff reductions may not be completely over, but as the economy begins its recovery, HR will be dealing with new challenges in 2010. Here are 10 trends to expect in the coming year, plus tips and tools to help you respond to each:

Use objective criteria—and beware subjective judgment calls—when deciding promotions


Nothing speeds a disappointed job-seeker’s trip to court like a selection process based on an employer’s use of subjective criteria to make the hiring decision. That’s especially true if the biggest deciding factor is subjective, while objective factors receive lesser weight.