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Show how HR helps forward the big boss’s goals

Issue: Learn the top brass’s priorities, and then match them up with your HR projects.
Benefit: By showing how your work helps the big bosses meet their goals, you become …

Benchmark your benefits; costs take biggest jump since ’90

Issue: It’s more important than ever to know if you’re budgeting too much, too little or the right amount for employee benefits. Risk: By ignoring industry …

Pitch your tech project in ‘finance speak’

Want to win approval of a pet HR technology project? Use “finance speak,” not “HR speak,” to pitch it to senior management. HR specialists tend to couch the benefits of …

Cut training costs by gauging the ROI

Issue: Prove that dollars spent on training employees represent money well spent. Risk: Going out on a limb without convincing proof. Action: Use free online tools to help you …

Choose the right HR metrics for your organization

You probably track several HR-related numbers, but are you sure you’re tracking the right ones?

Features to look for in performance-appraisal software

Issue: Choose the software that best suits your organization’s needs. Benefits: Involving managers in the evaluation process not only helps you find the most appropriate software, it prompts them to …

4 ways to improve your disability-management program

Issue: Poorly managed disability-management programs and rising costs can reduce your organization’s profits. Benefit: By making disability programs more efficient, you boost the bottom line and your stature in the …

How to measure the return on your training costs

Issue: A solid return-on-investment (ROI) analysis helps your organization buy more for its training dollar. Benefit: ROI can help you prove, or disprove, that training is improving the bottom line. …

Outsource strategically; don’t follow the crowd

Issue: More organizations are jumping into outsourcing, but many aren’t impressed with the results. Risk: Farming out the wrong functions can actually lower HR efficiency. Action: Determine which functions …

Brush up on dental benefits: DR plans growing

Issue: Direct reimbursement (DR) dental plans are becoming more popular.
Benefit: DR plans can slash your dental-plan admin costs. You can even eliminate the middleman …