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3 Keys to Creating ‘Employee Lifetime Value’

Savvy business people have long focused on customer lifetime value—the gains to had from cultivating lifelong relationships with customers eager to patronize them again and again. Here are three keys to nurturing those same kinds of relationships with employees—and reaping the same kinds of rewards.

Measure effectiveness to make sure flex plans work for you

Your organization wouldn’t offer flexible work arrangements like flextime and compressed workweeks if managers didn’t believe the benefits—better employee engagement, recruitment and retention—outweighed the costs. Still, a recent survey by Hewitt Associates found that few organizations have formal and consistent policies in place to manage their flex programs …

It’s time to revamp the way you calculate turnover

There’s a big difference between losing three slugs versus three stars in your department within a month. Yet, at most organizations, those losses would be calculated the same—as an overall percentage of employees—when figuring turnover rate. The problem: Such a simple metric doesn’t account for performance differences among departing employees …

Backup care: It’s not just for kids anymore


Unscheduled absences can throw production into a tailspin. Often, those absences occur when an employee’s child care arrangements fall through. But increasingly, workers also must stay home to care for spouses or parents who need help after surgery or because a regular caregiver is unavailable …

Lower health care costs with strategy to change behavior

Colleges and universities with the lowest health care costs also have the most productive employees, says a new survey by HR consulting firm Sibson. Here are five lessons all businesses can learn from healthy campuses …

Insiders’ secrets for making the ‘Best companies’ lists

Winning a spot on any of the dozens of coveted “best companies” lists can reap your organization a world of positive publicity and boost your reputation among potential recruits. But to win, you need to know how to play the game. Compensation & Benefits asked the experts to share some tips for placing well on the many “best companies to work for” lists …

Cutting back on health coverage?

A new web site by GlaxoSmithKline (www.CenterVBHM.com) allows employers to merge health and productivity data to determine which of their health benefits have the most value to the organization …

How to measure the return on your training investment

Employee training represents an act of faith for many organizations. They know it’s important, but few can quantify the return on investment (ROI). Still, HR is pushed to prove that training pays off. Use a formula to prove to senior managers which training produces results and which doesn’t …

Is your broker lazy? 5 questions to weed out slackers

You don’t have the time or expertise to shop for benefits plans and analyze them all. That’s why you hire a health benefits broker to sort out the best plans at the best prices. Here are some issues to consider when selecting the right broker …

3 steps to creating a corporate ‘Culture of health’


A culture of health is coming into its own across corporate America. Driven by increasing health care costs and an obesity epidemic that fuels chronic illnesses, corporations are examining their core cost drivers and have arrived at a workable strategy: create a culture that promotes better health across the total employee population …