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HRIS / Technology

Work from home: To track productivity or not?

For many employees and employers, the transition to remote work has been less than seamless. Employers—striving to maintain output under difficult circumstances—must balance business needs against human factors.

4 videoconferencing blunders to avoid

We’ve all quickly learned both the efficiencies and quirks of videoconferencing. But how are we personally perceived inside that medium? Keep these tips in mind so you come off better when accepting that next video invite.

Snapshot: Has the pandemic affected plans for spending on HR technology?

More than half of employers may change how much they spend on HR technology solutions in the wake of the coronavirus.

To Zoom or not to Zoom: Videoconference security issues addressed

Increasingly, organizations are turning to Zoom to enable the necessary videoconferencing capabilities that make recent shifts possible. But, is that the right move?

Ensure tech security for your remote staff

In response to the work-at-home surge triggered by the virus outbreak, the Department of Homeland Security has provided several tips.

HR and IT collaboration: The why and the how

The role of HR is expanding to the cloud and the Internet, as have most business activities. This requires HR and IT departments to work together on all levels to prevent activities that can jeopardize company security, prevent online harassment and avoid abuse of corporate internet privileges.

NLRB gives back email control to employers

The National Labor Relations Board on Dec. 17 reestablished the right of employers to restrict employee use of company-owned email for purposes unrelated to work, striking a blow against labor unions.

Watch out for AI software’s hidden hiring risks

Artificial intelligence sounds like it could be hiring’s Holy Grail: A completely automated system that maximizes application-sorting efficiency, minimizes HR labor and reduces the chance that bias could taint the hiring process. If only. Despite its great potential, AI carries liability risks that HR pros must understand.

Brainy tech tips to manage stress and productivity on the go

The next time stress threatens to launch us into orbit, the following tips may bring balance back into our life and keep us grounded.

Majority of large companies now have a CDO

A full 63% of Fortune 1000 businesses have appointed a Chief Data Officer, a huge jump from just 12% in 2012, according to a new survey by New Vantage Partners.