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Employee car accident may spell liability for company


Q. An employee injured on the job recently was transported to the hospital by a co-worker. On the way back to work, they were in a car accident and both employees tested positive for illegal substances. What is our total liability? What can companies do to protect against this scenario? —T.K., Ohio

The $500,000 question: Are your hiring tests legal?

If you use a test to screen job applicants, make sure it isn’t unfairly blocking certain groups. Dupont used a written test for entry-level …

Walk the line on drug tests; bad policy lets workers reap benefits

Jack Eaton got the boot after a drug test showed he’d been using marijuana and cocaine. Yet a court said he can still collect unemployment compensation, because his employer gave the …

Protect job applicants’ answer sheets from written tests

Applicants had to pass three tests to be considered for a quality helper position at a Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. (3M) plant. Mary Austin failed all three.
She claims …