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Hiring tests must reflect true work conditions

Women accounted for half of new hires at an Iowa meatpacker until the company instituted a new pre-hire lifting test. Then the percentage of women fell to 15%.

Are there California laws analogous to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act?

Q. I know that as an employer, I have to abide by GINA and not discriminate based on genetic information. But are there any state statutes addressing this matter?

Know the rules for Georgia’s drug-Free workplace program

Georgia employers participating in the state’s drug-free workplace (DFW) program must be careful to strictly follow the program’s guidelines or risk incurring workers’ compensation benefit liability they never intended …

The old ‘Pot in the meatballs’ trick fails again


A New York City Police Department counterterrorism detective said he failed a drug test in 2005 because his wife spiked his meatballs with marijuana …

Can we demand a polygraph test to identify theft suspects?


Q. Recently, money from my office’s petty cash lockbox came up missing. As a part of our investigation, can we require employees to take a lie detector test? …

Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act

Minnesota’s Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act (DATWA) limits employers’ ability to test employees and independent contractors for illegal drugs and alcohol. While DATWA does not require employers to perform drug testing, it governs the process if employers elect to do so …

How to comply with Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace program


Employers participating in Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace (DFW) program must be careful to follow its strict guidelines or risk incurring workers’ compensation benefit liability. In exchange for lower workers’ compensation premiums, Florida employers can agree to adopt the DFW program …

Do your pre-Hire tests carry lawsuit risks? New EEOC guidance helps make the call


The EEOC last month issued an extensive fact sheet that explains how federal anti-discrimination laws apply to pre-hire tests. The nonbinding guidance focuses on the best—and legal—practices for cognitive tests, personality tests, medical exams, credit checks and criminal background tests …

Require an applicant medical exam? Job offer must come first


The ADA protects job applicants from discrimination based on disability, and one of these protections is the right to be free from medical tests or examinations as part of the initial selection process. An employer can ask an applicant to undergo a job-related medical examination only after it has made a job offer …

Consider ADA, discrimination, validity issues when using personality tests


Some employers use personality or psychological tests to screen applicants and employees being considered for jobs or promotions. Proponents say personality tests are an economical way of screening employees. However, critics argue that these tests might not accurately reflect an individual’s honesty, integrity or other personality traits. Others say the tests violate the employee’s privacy …