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Should you create an ‘alumni’ Web site for former staff?

Issue: Establishing a Web site that acts as an online home for your organization’s former employees.
Benefit: Such alumni sites help you recruit former employees (boomerangs), generate referrals and build …

Hiding behind staffing agency won’t protect you; temps can sue, too

Don’t treat temporary workers like second-class citizens when it comes to complying with employment laws. Contrary to popular belief, your organization isn’t protected from job-discrimination lawsuits simply because the workers affected …

Overrelying on employee referrals? Beware of the legal risks

Employee-referral programs have become one of the most successful and least expensive recruiting strategies. But even with their popularity, employee-referral programs can be double-edged swords.
Relying too much on employee …

You can set weekly vacation rule, but should you?


Q. I know we’re allowed to tell employees which months they can’t take vacations, but can we also require that vacations be taken only by the week, and not in daily, hourly or half-day increments? —P.A., Nebraska

Can you hire for ‘looks?’ Abercrombie case offers a lesson

Issue: Whether a marketing strategy can, or should, dictate your organization’s hiring practice.
Risk: Any hiring strategy that appears to discriminate against a protected class is fair game for EEOC …

Shield your best people from recruiters’ clutches

Follow these field-tested techniques for warding off recruiters.

Sink the hook into coveted candidates

Issue: Luring stars from other employers.
Benefit: Good first impressions breed a high percentage of responses.
Action: Urge hiring managers to follow this three-step format when breaking the ice. …

Do your leave benefits entice employees to stay?

Issue: Are your employee-leave policies too stingy, too generous or just right?
Benefit: Knowing how your organization compares to others helps you attract and retain top employees.
Action: Review …

Common small-company confusion: believing FMLA applies to them

Small employers may be hurting their productivity by offering more generous family-and-medical leave benefits than legally required.
That’s the message of a new National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) study, …

Will election result affect hiring? It depends on your industry

While the presidential election outcome won’t likely change your competitors’ hiring plans, it could produce a small economic boost in certain industries, according to a new poll by outplacement consulting firm …