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Guide gathers resources on employing disabled workers: Download it now

The Obama administration has released a new guide for employers that compiles key federal resources related to the employment of people with disabilities.

More employers planning to add staff in 2015

More than one-third of employers expect to add full-time, permanent employees in 2015, the best outlook CareerBuilder’s annual job forecast has predicted since 2006.

Friends, latest tech top students’ job wish lists

The world’s “most attractive” employers are catering to the wishes of millennial employees. So says Universum, an employer branding firm, after ranking employers based on a survey of more than 200,000 business and engineering students in the world’s 12 largest economies.

Top 10 cities where millennials are moving

Gen Y is a notoriously mobile cohort that relocates a lot, and many won’t settle down to stay until their 30s. Nonetheless, these cities’ ability to attract millennials now leaves them poised for economic vitality for years to come.

Hooah! Oorah! Hooyah! Vets’ hiring outlook brightens

Following years of high unemployment, the hiring outlook for recent U.S. veterans may have finally turned the corner. Employers are confident they gain important skills when they hire former members of the military.

What employers want from job applicants

Aside from technical skills acquired through education and training, employers seek applicants with “soft skills” above all else.

Texas boom continues

More than 2.1 million jobs have been created in Texas since 2000, nearly a third of all jobs created nationwide during that time. Over the last 12 months, 413,000 jobs have been added to the Texas economy.

Job announcements: Can more details = fewer lawsuits?


Many employers provide skimpy details on their websites about job openings. The legal problem: Less information can lead to a higher number of unqualified applicants. And when applicants have to speculate at the reasons they’ve been rejected, they’re more likely to sue.

Homebuilder targets teens for future jobs


Homebuilders across the country are having such a hard time hiring enough skilled construction workers and professional staff that many are forced to turn down jobs or delay projects. That’s why William Lyon Homes in Newport Beach, Calif., is recruiting its future workforce now.

Found talent within? Weigh pros, cons of internal hires

At some point, every organization struggles with a decision of whether to promote from within or look outside for a candidate to fill a key vacancy. To put the issue into perspective, here’s a look at the pros and cons of hiring internally and externally.