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Correct errors found in ‘Old’ I-9 forms


Q. Soon after I started in a new HR department, I reviewed the files and found that some of the employees’ I-9 forms don’t have dates or signatures, or they’ve been completed using outdated forms. Can I go back to employees and redo the forms, collecting current documentation? Or should I just make sure the right forms are used from now on? —J.M., Ohio

Use safety as a recruiting tool; learn from the best

Issue: Safety-conscious companies look beyond the bottom line.
Benefit: In addition to reducing costs and boosting morale, safety can be promoted as a recruiting tool to applicants.
Action: Reduce …

Continued employment enough to bind employees to noncompete pact

You may be afraid that your top salesperson or IT whiz is about to jump ship to the competition, but you failed to sign those employees to noncompete agreements when you …

Attract the best by guarding your firm’s reputation

Issue: Right now, your organization’s public image may be under attack on Web sites, chat rooms and blogs.
Benefit: By putting out such brush fires before they rage out of …

Drug-test cheating on the rise; fight back with random tests

Can you trust negative drug test results anymore?
The Internet is flooded with products, more than 400, according to a Business Insurance report, that help employees and job candidates cheat …

Drug testing is perfectly legal … if done properly


Q. I have an employee who says that our drug-testing program is a violation of his constitutional rights. What can I tell him (or show him) to prove that we’re well within the law? —S.H., Texas

Use random tests to combat drug-test cheaters

Can you trust negative drug test results anymore? The Internet is flooded with products, more than 400 by one count, that help employees and job candidates cheat on drug tests. The …

You can be sued for what you say during an investigation

When discussing hiring, firing or promotion decisions, make sure you can back up any claims with some proof. And impress upon others involved in such discussions to also be truthful and …

Beyond orientations: 4 steps to help you retain new staff

Issue: Many employers run new hires through an orientation process, then instantly start treating them like every other employee.
Risk: Some of these new hires won’t assimilate so quickly. Without …

Background check isn’t enough; tight supervision keeps liability at bay

Your organization can be held liable for “negligent hiring” if an employee commits a crime and you could have (or should have) prevented it. That’s why it’s crucial to run background …