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Post all job openings in-House


Q. We typically don’t post high-level management openings internally. Should we? —K.L., California

Keep close eye on new hires; they’re more injury-prone

Hammer home safety rules to new hires before they start; don’t expect “on the job” experience to teach them the safety ropes. Reason: New employees have a greater likelihood of being …

Improve new-hire orientations with Web checklists

Formal orientations make new employees productive more quickly, and they make it easier on you to bring that person up to speed. But don’t overwhelm new hires right away. Create a …

Hiring commercial drivers? Probe deeper into applicant work history

If you hire commercial drivers, prepare to start collecting more pre-hire information from applicants. The Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) wants employers to …

Probe deeper into drivers’ work history

The Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has proposed new rules requiring companies that employ commercial drivers to collect more pre-hire information about applicants’ employment history, including their …

Weed out applicants with ‘silver bullet’ interview question

Issue: Interviewers often have one pet question they use to test an applicant’s quality.
Benefit: The right question can separate the contenders from the pretenders …

O-V-E-R-Q-U-A-L-I-F-I-E-D can spell ‘lawsuit’

Issue: With the job market flooded with experienced and skilled people, the temptation rises for hiring managers to use “overqualified” as a weeding-out method.
Risk: Courts could view your use …

Follow these 3 rules for conducting pre-hire medical tests

Issue: Requiring a medical test before hiring an applicant is smart, but it carries legal risks.
Risk: A wrong step can trigger Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or privacy lawsuits …

Encouraging diversity: Lessons from Supreme Court’s affirmative-action rulings

The U.S. Supreme Court’s pivotal rulings in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases this summer provide some direction on how far employers can go …

Allow applicants to answer negative background-check results

It’s true that your company could be held liable if it rejects an applicant based on inaccurate data in his background check. But don’t stop doing background …