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What’s your responsibility under the new Georgia immigration law?


The Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (GSICA), signed into law last April, imposes numerous responsibilities on employers. Although the law focuses primarily on public employers and contractors, some of the less publicized aspects of the law will affect private employers, too

Putting more weight on interview isn’t pretext for bias


Employers that use a hiring committee to decide between candidates can put more emphasis on interview performance as a factor in the selection process. That’s true even if assessing how a person interviews is somewhat subjective …

How to respond to predicted labor shortage in New York


The state’s economy keeps humming along. Private-company payrolls increased 1.1 percent statewide in the past year, while New York City payrolls jumped 2.0 percent during the same period …

Learn from the best: 5 retention tips from top companies


When it comes to recruiting and retaining, organizations don’t need to reinvent the wheel or create bold initiatives to attract and keep the best workers. Sometimes, simply doing the tried-and-true things right are all you need …

Court: Hearing test used by UPS to screen drivers violates ADA


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently affirmed that Atlanta-based United Parcel Service (UPS) violated the ADA by refusing to hire package-car driver applicants if they failed a hearing test …

State launches jobs initiative for people with disabilities


Gov. Jeb Bush has launched an initiative to open up more Florida jobs to people with disabilities. The campaign was created with assistance from the Jacksonville City Council, the Greater Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities and the First Coast Business Leadership Network …

If Employees Sue, Double-Check Their Qualifications


When employees sue you for discrimination, be sure to pull out their job applications and résumé for a second look. You may discover that they misrepresented their education or job history, which could sink their case …

Georgia Not Likely to Ban Sexual-Orientation Discrimination


It seems safe to conclude that Georgia employers won’t have to worry anytime soon about a state ban on sexual-orientation discrimination in the workplace …

Are your leased employees in the country illegally?


If your organization uses leased employees, you may want to check out the company that’s providing those workers …

Immigration ruling sows uncertainty for employers


If a recent ruling is any indication, federal judges may not look kindly on any immigration laws enacted by state or local governments. For employers, that means continued uncertainty over how to handle foreign workers …