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Liability for the negligence of others: a new standard?


Employers often ask: “Will I be liable if one of my independent contractors injures someone?” The short answer is, “It depends.” A recent case from the North Carolina Court of Appeals adds new considerations to the long answer …

Ensure doctors are fully credentialed for workers’ comp duty


If you self-insure your workers’ compensation liability or otherwise directly control how your employees go about getting treatment for work-related injuries, make sure the medical professionals involved in your employees’ care are properly licensed and meet all requirements of their licenses. Otherwise, you may face liability for the negligent mistakes of health care practitioners …

For Trenton city employees, live where you work, or else


In a sign of how heated local politics can become, Frank Weeden, unsuccessful candidate for the Trenton mayor’s office, has filed a complaint with the city concerning the residency status of the police director and the director of communications …

OK to consider intangible qualities when choosing applicants


When it comes to hiring good employees, you know that experience and education aren’t everything. There’s nothing wrong with considering such “soft” factors as loyalty and reliability when making hiring decisions. Just make sure you don’t consider things such as disability, FMLA absences or other protected characteristics …

Track qualifications to prove candidate was best for job


It’s important to carefully track each and every step of the promotion process, including the relative qualifications of those vying for open spots on the corporate ladder. Here’s why: Employees who claim they were unfairly passed over have to show that they were “clearly better qualified” than the chosen candidate …

Texas Medical Center to add 30,000 new jobs by 2014


Houston’s Texas Medical Center (TMC) has announced it expects to add nearly 30,000 new jobs over the next seven years. The facility already bills itself as the largest medical center in the world with 150,000 patients, employees, students and visitors daily …

Texas partnership offers job search assistance to veterans


On Dec. 4, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) announced the creation of Texas Workforce Solutions, a partnership between the TWC and 28 local work force development boards designed to assist Texans returning to civilian life from military service …

More woes for Marion VAMC


The Marion Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) is defending the credentialing process it used to hire Dr. Jose Veizaga-Mendez, who resigned after allegedly being implicated in 10 patient deaths …

FBI, CIA hired illegal immigrant with ties to Hezbollah


The FBI and the CIA scrambled to defend their screening practices after discovering that one of their agents was an illegal immigrant with ties to Hezbollah. Officials at the FBI and the CIA insisted the agencies conducted thorough background checks …

To google or not: Legitimate screening method or privacy breach?


The popularity of Internet blogs and social networking sites such as MySpace, LinkedIn, Facebook and Friendster is causing confusion and concern for some employers. At a time when it’s easy to search the web for information on just about anyone, what steps should a reasonable employer take to investigate the background of an employee? …