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Follow basic rules for job descriptions, interviews to avoid hiring bias


Want to avoid needless lawsuits from disgruntled applicants? Adopt some basic rules for handling the selection process, and pay special attention to the all-important job description and interview. As the following case shows, employers that follow some simple rules probably won’t lose a hiring discrimination lawsuit …

N.C. metro areas earn top honors for creating, keeping jobs


The Milken Institute named several North Carolina metropolitan areas to its 2008 Best Performing Cities Report. Raleigh-Cary ranked second, and Wilmington ranked sixth on the national index, which measures which cities are most successful at creating and sustaining jobs …

Tuition reimbursement: Which workers are eligible?


Among employers that offer tuition reimbursement benefits to their employees, 30% make the option available to employees immediately after they’re hired, says a new study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity …

Take steps to stop pervasive anti-female attitudes, practices


When you think of a sexually hostile work environment, the scenario usually involves crude sex talk, bawdy photos and other prurient activities. But those aren’t the only markers of a hostile environment. In fact, a pervasive anti-female attitude that has nothing to do with sex can lead to a lawsuit, too …

State probes purchase of phony diplomas and degrees


Attorney General Tom Corbett is investigating more than 135 Pennsylvania residents who allegedly bought diplomas from a business in Spokane, Wash., that sold high school diplomas and college degrees under the name Saint Regis University …

Is it permissible to ask women about gaps in their employment histories?


Q. Can we ask female applicants about lengthy gaps in their employment histories? I’m afraid that doing so might make it look as though we are digging into personal or family issues that could lead to a claim of gender bias …

If process was fair, don’t second-guess your hiring decision


Hiring decisions are tough, especially when you add the worry over whether rejected applicants may think you discriminated against them. But as long as you don’t actively conceal critical facts about whom you hired, rejected applicants have to move fast to sue …

Set clear job requirements to stop bias claims


Employees who claim they were wrongly denied a promotion for some discriminatory reason (for example, based on race, age or some other protected characteristic) have the initial burden of proving they were qualified for the position they sought. The best protection employers have against such claims: clear, concise and accurate minimum job requirements …

Best Buy settles age bias suit claiming it favors younger workers


Best Buy recently agreed to settle an age discrimination lawsuit with the EEOC that accused the company of failing to hire a 68-year-old applicant because of his age. Under the terms of the agreement, Best Buy will pay $17,500 to Reinhold Schouweiler on whose behalf the EEOC filed suit in 2007 …

Video résumés failing to catch on: Ahead of their time, or too hot to handle?


Despite much discussion about their pros, cons and legal implications, video résumés aren’t yet catching fire with employers or employees. CareerBuilder recently discontinued its video résumé service. Recruiters have shown little demand for them …