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The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act finally becomes law

President Bush recently signed into law H.R. 493, also known as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), which prohibits employers from using genetic tests or information to discriminate against applicants and employees …

Federal jobs appeal to young workers

Mass retirements of baby boomers and an increased need for security professionals have Uncle Sam on a hiring spree—and looking at your young employees …

Tell managers: You must let disabled applicants prove merit

Disability rights groups sometimes target specific employers to see whether they harbor latent disability discrimination tendencies. An advocate will call a prospective employer and inquire about an open position. The prospective employer can’t say no to an interview without risking a disability lawsuit. But agreeing to the interview is only the beginning …

Beware too much emphasis on candidate’s demeanor

The more subjective factors you use to set one applicant apart from another, the more likely a court will challenge your decision-making. That’s because some judges and juries may see subjective judgments such as “aggressive” or “confrontational” as code for some form of discrimination …

Measure effectiveness to make sure flex plans work for you

Your organization wouldn’t offer flexible work arrangements like flextime and compressed workweeks if managers didn’t believe the benefits—better employee engagement, recruitment and retention—outweighed the costs. Still, a recent survey by Hewitt Associates found that few organizations have formal and consistent policies in place to manage their flex programs …

EMC grooms leaders in-house as part of development strategy

Technology company EMC saves money on recruiting by sending its high-potential employees to school—at an in-house university. More than half of the Hopkinton, Mass., organization’s corporate-level director positions are filled from within …

Be prepared: 20 ‘silver bullet ‘ interview questions you should know how to answer


Interviewers often have pet questions they use to test an applicant’s quality. Sometimes, they’re straightforward. ("Tell me about yourself.") Sometimes, they’re deep. ("If you were an animal, what kind would you be?") Sometimes, they’re just plain weird. ("How do they make M&M’s?") Be prepared to answer whatever might come your way …

Employees, IRS challenge FedEx’s driver classifications

Present and former FedEx Ground/Home Delivery drivers are eligible to join a class-action suit that challenges the company’s long-standing practice of classifying drivers as independent contractors. The suit—which more than 27,000 drivers could join—argues that they are employees …

4 supervisors arrested after ICE raids S.C. poultry plant

Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested four supervisors at the House of Raeford Farms poultry plant in Greenville, S.C. …

Changing hiring criteria in midstream: Legal, if done right

Sometimes, employers receive a far greater number of qualified applicants for an open position than they expected. If that happens, you can narrow the applicants down by a new set of more specific requirements. Applicants who sue because they met the first set of requirements but not the second probably won’t win a discrimination lawsuit …