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O-V-E-R-Q-U-A-L-I-F-I-E-D can spell ‘lawsuit’

Issue: With the job market flooded with experienced and skilled people, the temptation rises for hiring managers to use “overqualified” as a weeding-out method.
Risk: Courts could view your use …

Anyone can challenge medical inquiries, not just disabled workers

Don’t let your guard down when interviewing someone who doesn’t appear to suffer from a disability. If you ask an illegal question, anyone can hit you with …

Bias claim goes nowhere unless minority status was clear

When Steven Lubetsky applied for an analyst job, he aced the interview and several competence tests. The company offered him the job pending a credit check. Lubetsky explained that he was …

Job descriptions: Make ’em lawsuit-proof

Job descriptions are among the first items that courts examine to determine the legitimacy of a discrimination charge. You can use them as part of a defense in court only if …

Lax hiring process will cost you

For nearly two years, Joyce Dennis worked in progressively more responsible jobs at a South Carolina hospital. But when she interviewed for a promotion to ER registration supervisor, the hiring manager …

Create a job testing policy that’s rock solid and bias-proof

Charles Sledge, an African-American builder at a tire manufacturing plant for 23 years, was repeatedly denied the chance to interview for a promotion to mechanic. In every case, the positions were …

Ask about right to work, not immigration status


Q. Is it OK to ask an applicant about her immigration status before making an offer of employment? —A.R., New York

Scrutinize resumes; layoffs increase lying


Raise your skepticism a few notches. RÃ?sumÃ? fudging is on the rise again. The so-called Liar’s Index, the percentage of applicants who falsify their educational credentials, has risen steadily …

Use interview to poke holes in applicant’s rÃ?sumÃ? claims

Before hiring a promising job candidate, make sure he is as good in real life as on paper. An interview is the key time to verify claims on rÃ?sumÃ?s. Any …

Steer Clear of Asking About Religion


Q. When, if ever, can our company legally ask an applicant about his or her religious affiliation? —R.M., Illinois