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Talent-based interviewing: The 5 best questions

Talent-based interviewing asks questions about real-life situations that are phrased in a unique way to elicit a candidate’s first (natural) response. This is a better assessment of future performance than simply checking whether the candidate has previously worked in a similar role (experience).

Can we refuse to consider rehiring a job applicant who we previously terminated?

Q. We are a larger company. I noticed that an applicant for a position within one of our branches was previously employed and let go by another division. Would it be discriminatory to decline interviewing a candidate for this reason?

TCC headed for court after prof alleges anti-gay bias

With help from lawyers at Lambda Legal, which works to protect the legal rights of gay employees, a former temporary professor is suing Tarrant County College, alleging that officials blocked her bid for a full-time professorship because she is a lesbian.

Interview questions: What’s legal, what’s not?


Conducting job interviews is one of the most legally dangerous tasks performed by managers. One misguided question could cause an applicant to think he or she was re­­­­jected due to one of the federally pr­o­­tected categories. Take this hiring quiz to see if you know which questions are legal and which are not:  

The 5 worst interview questions … and what to ask instead


The interview remains a hiring manager’s most effective tool for evaluating job candidates. Unfortunately, managers too often rely on a list of standard interview questions for which most applicants have canned responses. Here are five common questions to avoid, plus suggestions for more productive queries that will help you hire the best.

Experience isn’t the only valid job qualification


The job candidate with the most experience might also be the oldest applicant. But that doesn’t mean you always have to pick him. You can use other factors as long as none of them hints at age discrimination. The key is to maintain impeccable records showing how and why you chose the candidate you did.

Words that win: 4 nontraditional job interview questions


Filling a job opening can be tricky if there are several great candidates. You can separate the best from the rest by changing up the usual interview questions. Here are four nontraditional job interview questions to elicit answers that will help you assess candidates on a different level.

Best practices: 3 ways to improve the job candidate experience

How would you grade your organization’s application process? Tracking the candidate experience can improve it and enhance your organization’s HR brand among potential applicants. First step: Solicit feedback from candidates about their experiences with recruiting, application, interviewing and web site interaction.

Applicant doesn’t have ‘property right’ to job


Good news for government agencies: People who apply for government work don’t have a property interest in a potential job, even if they make the list of finalists, and others on the list don’t want the job. That’s true even if the hiring committee states it plans to hire someone from the list and then does not.

Hire education: Your step-by-step guide to legal hiring practices

Employers operate in an increasingly complex legal environment, made all the more difficult by the tough economy. Hiring has emerged as a particular trouble spot. Here are the key liability hot spots you must watch out for in the hiring process.