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English-Only Policies

HR Law 101: If you’re thinking of establishing an English-only policy for your workplace, be aware that you risk incurring the wrath of the EEOC. The agency is strongly opposed to English-only rules and will prosecute employers that commit this type of national-origin discrimination…

Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act


Even as the national debate over immigration reform rages, the Georgia state legislature has decided to act rather than wait for a federal solution. Recently, Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law one of the toughest immigration laws in the country …

Injured illegal immigrants entitled to lost wages


Employers beware: If you hire an illegal immigrant and he or she is hurt at work, you may have to pay future lost wages based on the going rate in New York …

Minor annoyances at work don’t add up to retaliation


Last summer, the U.S. Supreme Court drafted a broad new legal standard for judging whether a company retaliated against an employee for complaining about discrimination. Now, the lower courts are starting to define what that standard means

Undocumented workers aren’t eligible for unemployment


In Pennsylvania, laid off employees who aren’t legally documented to work in the United States aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation payments …

Advocates push for equal rights for illegal alien workers in N.J.


The ACLU, AFL-CIO and other groups have filed a petition accusing the United States, New Jersey and several other state governments of human rights violations by refusing to grant equal rights to illegal immigrant workers …

During lawsuit, don’t inquire about worker’s immigration status


If you’re facing an employment lawsuit, don’t bother probing into the employee’s immigration status during the lawsuit’s discovery phase. The EEOC has long held that immigration status is irrelevant to any underlying discrimination claims, and a recent federal court ruling supports this stance …

What’s your responsibility under the new Georgia immigration law?


The Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (GSICA), signed into law last April, imposes numerous responsibilities on employers. Although the law focuses primarily on public employers and contractors, some of the less publicized aspects of the law will affect private employers, too

Are your leased employees in the country illegally?


If your organization uses leased employees, you may want to check out the company that’s providing those workers …

Immigration ruling sows uncertainty for employers


If a recent ruling is any indication, federal judges may not look kindly on any immigration laws enacted by state or local governments. For employers, that means continued uncertainty over how to handle foreign workers …