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Employment Law

Port Arthur firm must pay more than $170,000 in OT

Port Arthur-based Performance Blasting and Coating must pay $170,622 in back overtime pay to 314 current and former painters and sandblasters, following a U.S. Department of Labor investigation.

Feds cracking down on Dallas hotel pay practices

The DOL has announced an initiative to investigate employee misclassification in the hospitality industry in Dallas. According to a department statement, previous investigations “have found significant and systemic violations of the minimum wage, overtime pay and record-keeping provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.”

You must pay for training that isn’t truly voluntary

Do you require employees to complete after-hours training that will ben­­efit your operations but isn’t directly job-related? If so, you must pay them for their time, unless you can show that participation is truly voluntary.

Operating in Texas and Louisiana? Don’t rely on union contract to handle safety

Watch out if—like many Texas energy-industry employers—you also operate in Louisiana under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement that covers workplace safety. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just made life a little harder for you.

Constructive discharge claim requires showing more than hostile work environment


Employees who quit and sue have a tough case to make if they allege they had no choice but to quit because conditions were so terrible. First, they must demonstrate that poor treatment created a hostile work environment. However, they must also show an additional, aggravating factor …

Beware justifying hiring or promotion with criteria that don’t appear in job description

Here’s a reminder to pass on to everyone involved in the hiring or promotion process: You’re running a huge risk if you deviate from the job announcement’s minimum and preferred qualifications.

Hear me now? OSHA slams firm for noise hazards–again

Apparently, Piping Technology & Products (PTP) is a noisy place—so noisy that management failed to hear OSHA the first time it cited the company a year ago. Now it must pay OSHA fines totaling $118,000 after inspectors discovered conditions leading to one willful and nine serious health and safety violations.

Always enforce ‘no unauthorized OT’ policy

The first step to controlling overtime costs is to establish a sound policy forbidding unauthorized extra work for hourly employees. But a “no unauthorized overtime” policy is just the beginning. You must also enforce the policy for all nonexempt employees, and make sure managers understand why it is important.

Job descriptions are works in progress … Stay on top of them!

There’s a good chance that what your employees actually do every day has little in common with what’s written in their job descriptions. That’s a problem. Inaccurate or in­­complete job descriptions can cause legal liability for ­­employers, especially if the EEOC or the DOL comes calling.

What’s age bias? EEOC defines ‘reasonable factors’

A few years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court said employers fighting claims of age discrimination carry the burden of proof to show that their alleged discriminatory decisions were actually based on a “reasonable factor other than age (RFOA),” not discrimination. The EEOC has issued final regulations that clarify RFOAs.