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Employment Law

Deadly duo: Harassment followed by retaliation

When an employee complains about sexual harassment, how you handle it makes a big difference. If you ignore the complaint—or worse, blame the victim and punish her—you’re risking a laundry list of claims under federal and state laws.

Must we offer FMLA if person can no longer do the job?

Q. One of our truck drivers just had a bypass operation and now has a defibrillator, which means, according to the DOT, he can no longer drive a truck. Do we still need to give this driver 12 weeks of FMLA time since he will never be able to return to work?

What employment protections do military reservists and veterans enjoy?

Q. Are active duty military and veterans considered a protected class?

How are layoffs supposed to be handled when someone buys my business?

Q. Do I have to follow the WARN Act if someone buys my business?

Supreme Court rules on ‘donning & doffing’ in union shops

The U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous interpretation on Jan. 27 of the meaning of “changing clothes” in the FLSA is significant for unionized ­­employers in industries in which workers must change clothes to begin and end their work shifts.

NLRB orders Pittsburgh club to remit withheld dues

The NLRB has ordered the Pitts­­burgh Athletic Association to forward union dues it collected from its employees to UNITE HERE Local 57, the union that represents club workers. The union’s NLRB complaint alleged that the club stopped remitting the dues in Novem­­ber 2012.

Corbett says he would support ban on gay discrimination

Gov. Tom Corbett told the Phila­­del­­phia Inquirer that he supports a bill extending anti-discrimination protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers.

Lancaster nurse fired after refusing influenza vaccine


Lancaster-based Horizons Healthcare fired a nurse after she refused to have a flu vaccine. The company requires its employees to get flu shots to limit potential epidemics. The nurse offered to wear a mask while on duty, instead. It’s a case that has yet to result in a lawsuit—but it could.

Using day labor? Keep relationship contractual


If you sometimes need temporary help, you probably turn to companies that hire and manage day laborers. Keep the relationship strictly professional to avoid potential liability as an employer. Instruct supervisors to defer any questions on pay, hours and potential hiring to the temp agency and remind them not to promise anything.

Let injured worker stay on leave until fully healed

Disabled employees who return to work before fully healed may be eligible for light-duty positions or other modifications as reasonable accommodations. However, employers that allow leave until the employee is fully healed don’t have that obligation.