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Employment Law

Settlement in case alleging disability-related questions


Strataforce, a staffing company that operates in four states including California, has settled charges its hiring procedures violated the ADA.

Administrative exemption focuses on core business


In order to claim a worker is exempt under the administrative exemption of the California Labor Code, an employee must do work directly related to management policies or general business operations of his employer or employer’s customers. Mere support work doesn’t count.

One case, two destinations: Arbitration and court!


Here’s a decision that may complicate matters for employers that use arbitration agreements to keep employment disagreements out of federal courts.

Court of Appeal rules multiple arbitration agreements are permissible


Employers that want to arbitrate all employment-related disputes have won support from California’s state appellate court system, which ruled it acceptable to create different arbitration agreements for different employment-related purposes, each with different terms and conditions.

‘Political correctness’ doesn’t matter: Political belief isn’t a protected characteristic


Some recently fired employees looking for reasons to sue their employers have started grasping at the gunwales of a “political correctness” lifeboat. Nice try but no dice was the verdict in a recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals case.

Beware promises made during hiring process


What managers say during the hiring process can spell trouble later if anything they say sounds like a promise that induces a candidate to accept a job offer and the employer fails to follow through.

Right to return after pregnancy depends on job


Under California’s pregnancy discrimination protection laws, new mothers returning from pregnancy leave are entitled to return to their previous jobs, much as they are under the federal FMLA. However, there are real and practical limits to that right to return.

Tax reform bans deducting harassment settlement costs


Confidential sexual harassment settlements will cost more under tax reform legislation enacted at the end of December.

Woebegone, Keillor says he was fired without investigation


Former “Prairie Home Companion” host Garrison Keillor alleges his firing from Minnesota Public Radio was completed without a proper investigation of sexual harassment allegations made against him.

Court offers extra help when workers represent themselves


The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has signaled it will continue to give lots of leeway to employees who act as their own attorneys.