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Employment Law

You’re free to adjust benefit plan without fear of FMLA suit

When it merged with another bank, Wells Fargo replaced its traditional employee sick- and vacation-leave policy with a paid-time-off (PTO) program and a short-term disability plan. A PTO policy combines annual …

Don’t stack the deck in arbitration

Daniel Murray, a full-time union organizer, signed a mandatory arbitration agreement as a condition of employment. The pact said arbitrators would be chosen from a list provided by his employer and …

New wage and hour threat: ‘Donning and doffing’ crackdown

The government is going after em-ployers that don’t pay workers for time spent putting on and taking off required work clothes and protective gear. In one of the largest settlements …

EEOC issues more guidance on anti-Muslim bias

Between Sept. 11, 2001, and May 7, 2002, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received 497 job-bias complaints on the basis of Muslim religion. That’s compared with 193 complaints over …

Employ workers outside America? Two rulings boost your legal risks

1. EU harassment rule. Employers in Europe will need to do a better job of preventing sexual harassment. Reason: A newly approved European Union (EU) directive, which takes effect in 2005, …

Rules of the road: Know when to pay for travel time

Employers know they don’t have to pay Joe Worker for his typical commute into the office. But pay-for-travel questions …

Teen work: Heed strict limits on hours, conditions

THE LAW. Teens are a great source of labor, especially during the summer. But the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets strict limits on the hours they can work and …

Be Wary of Firing Overpaid Employee


Q. Is it legal to terminate an employee because he makes a high salary? —J.L., Arizona

Be Cautious in Requiring Payment From ‘Short’ Cashier


Q. Management wants to institute a policy that requires cashiers whose registers are short at night’s end to replace the disputed amount out of their own pockets. Does this violate the law? —B.B., New York

Give employees fair shot to verify leave

Alex Jiminez frequently missed work due to flare-ups of Crohn’s disease. His employer’s absentee policy required progressive warnings and eventual management review after 80 hours of absences. The company reminded …