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Employment Law

Pay for ‘donning and doffing,’ not waiting

Issue: Should you pay employees for time spent putting on and taking off work clothes?
Benefit: Recent court case limits your obligations under so-called “donning and doffing” laws …

Don’t use weight as an excuse not to hire, no matter the cost

Issue: Overweight employees cost you more in health care costs, and new research proves it. But you can’t discriminate against them.
Risk: More courts are saying that obesity is a …

Never assume pregnancy will affect employees’ ability to work

Issue: It’s up to pregnant employees to decide if pregnancy or maternity will prevent them from performing their jobs.
Risk: Liability for up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in …

Too small for FMLA? Don’t be too sure

Issue: Even if it employs fewer than 50 people, your organization could be subject to FMLA compliance.
Risk: Being affiliated with another organization could mean that, together, the two organizations …

New overtime rules facing delays

Don’t expect the Labor Department’s proposal to revamp the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime provisions to take effect anytime soon. Labor received thousands of comments on the rules, proposed in March …

Tap new EEOC Web site for investigation insight

The EEOC is coming after you for workplace discrimination. Now what? One good source, surprisingly, is the EEOC’s own site, which now offers a section titled “EEOC Investigations, What an Employer …

Follow these 3 rules for conducting pre-hire medical tests

Issue: Requiring a medical test before hiring an applicant is smart, but it carries legal risks.
Risk: A wrong step can trigger Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or privacy lawsuits …

Ask on-Leave employees to tell you when they’ll return


Q. Is it legal to require that employees on FMLA leave report to us regularly on their plans to return to work? —P.R., New York

Do interns have to be paid?


Q. We plan on hiring a college intern this year. Do we have to pay that person? —L.M., New York

Post all job openings in-House


Q. We typically don’t post high-level management openings internally. Should we? —K.L., California