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Employment Law

Don’t ask employees to sign away their FMLA rights

In severance agreements, employers typically require employees to sign promises not to file employment-related lawsuits. But don’t try to include FMLA rights in that
Why? A new ruling …

Self-diagnosis won’t cut it; require proof of disability

Do you have an employee whose sniffles, coughing or health complaints drive co-workers crazy? Has she told you that she’s disabled and can’t help the snorting and sneezing? You don’t need …

Don’t shrug off complaints of female-on-male harassment

If a male employee complains about sexually harassing comments by a female co-worker, how would your supervisors respond?
Too often, bosses (and some HR professionals) laugh off such “reverse” harassment …

Know your ADA responsibilities for employees with cancer

The EEOC published a Q&A document last month explaining when cancer is a “disability” under the ADA and how you should accommodate employees with cancer.
More than 1 million Americans …

EEOC revises definition of ‘timely’ discrimination charge

To file a legal workplace discrimination claim with the EEOC, employees must show that the alleged discrimination occurred within a certain time frame or filing “threshold.” Now, the EEOC has revised …

Fewer employers offering flextime schedules

A study by the Society for Human Resource Management says only 56 percent of employers now offer flex schedules, down from 65 percent in 2002. Why the change? Experts say …

What to include in a camera-Phone policy


Q. I’m looking to create a company policy regarding cell phones with photographic capabilities. Any suggestions? —L.B., California

Thwart FMLA abuse with periodic calls, check-ins

Issue: Many HR professionals believe they’ve unwittingly approved FMLA leave for fraudulent reasons.
Benefit: A new court ruling makes it easier for you to check up on employees on FMLA …

Review your personality test: Is it an illegal ‘medical’ exam?

Issue: A recent court ruling says certain employment personality tests may violate the ADA.
Risk: If your test screens out people with mental disorders, it could be deemed an illegal …

Analyze employee handouts for legally explosive content

Issue: Ready-to-use employee training materials flood the Internet.
Risk: Your supervisors create liability risks by distributing videos, books or handouts without first vetting them for offensive content.
Action: Review …